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RE: Telos Proposal Backup for Telos Social contract 100,000 TLOS/mo for a reward pool controlled by BPs + 10,000 TLOS to front end development

in Teloslast year

Publications must not have an expiration date, payments must be daily,

yeah telos can let us do that

when i say steem/hive all i mean is, a social media with rewards, you are correct we would need it to do so much more, like telos can finally allow

yes we would need some system for ads and residual rewards, maybe tip curation etc

yes telos will also be more fair, and we have a constitution, a court system with cases

i want a custom proposal system with proposals you can set for whatever time you want to get rewards. and staking custom times liek 1 year staking so youc an lock yourself from spending money etc

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