Telos Proposal Backup for Telos Social contract 100,000 TLOS/mo for a reward pool controlled by BPs + 10,000 TLOS to front end development

in Teloslast year


Telos Social 3/08/2023

A Duplicate of the telos.decide / proposal system, stripped down and used for social media feed with a custom proposal system front end made for displaying these new proposals as posts with 7 day payouts instead of 30, and a floating reward amount based on total number of vote power.

Zachary WIlliams San Diego CA @ackzaontelos @sandiegocoin [email protected] (619)302-0398

What We Want

A Steemit/ style social media platform built into telos allowing simple proposal system style voting on post for a 7 day period then allowing users to claim telos rewards just like they used to do in SQRLwallet or how they can do currently with telos or and Posts would be displayed as text and IPFS image links and be upvoted by Telos stakeholders like mini proposals with 7 day payouts and no fees (besides maybe ram to claim tokens) .

We want to have the same basic experience as on or but with smart contracts and NFTs and a DEX with telos main net accounts logging in via anchor, wombat or temporarily generated posting keys for Telos accounts to login to web and mobile apps/wallets.

We want to be able to speed up the development and architecture process by simply copying over the existing telos proposal contract and reworking it to be a simple social media posting contract that uses a separate reward pool, voted in by telos users from the existing proposal system 1M/month pool, and allow users to claim rewards after 7 days of proposal voting on posts made with just text, images, links, and no set amount requested of TLOS, just a floating amount determined after 7 days by counting up total Telos stake holder VOTE power and awarding them a claimable amount of TLOS based on how many big stakeholders upvote them!

What We Already Have

Telos Proposal smart contracts already functioning

Multiple working Telos Proposal front ends like Teloscope, Telos and SQRLwallet

1,000,000 TLOS / month in Telos Proposal funding for many years. Although steem/hive pay 20-30 million tokens a year out worth usually around $1 each over the years, a Telos social media reward pool starting with 10% of the total monthly proposal system should be no problem since more than 100,000 TLOS a month is left on the table each month and also this 100,000 TLOS a month would go completely to TLOS stake holders anyway with their votes able to be

made on their own posts allowing them to keep that TLOS or pay people they see fit who can promote telos or post whatever they like.

What We Need

100,000 TLOS / month for a telos social reward pool

Possibly an extra 100,000 or more for just the first month to pay the necessary developers

for a one time fee to help build the new proposal system turned social media smartcontract on telos and include the scotbot rules from steem/hive engine meaning we may need to enlist people like someguy123 and holger80 etc.

Steem/Hive-engine style SCOTBOT tribe token communities (subforums/subreddits) and sub tokens, custom Telos chain tokens with their own inflation explained below,

A Curation System built into the rewards that splits them up based on vote power of the voters giving the upvotes, the staking power of the post’s author receiving the upvotes, the time and order the “curators” all upvoted, and gives 25%-50% back to curators and then the rest to the author allowing a voter to earn a profit from upvoting posts that end up getting larger upvotes later, because a portion goes back to the earlier upvoters, an important incentivization system pioneered by steemit/steem blockchain and one we would be smart to include but it may be one of the harder parts of this as telos doesn't have this yet but could probably import the code/math from steem.

Extra Notes

TLOS chain tokens built with inflation pools that mint new tokens at a custom rate, would be determined by what holger80 from steem/ calls his scotbot parameters, which users of their system can edit in a friendly webpage with drop down menus and a save changes button, allowing them to change all the settings of their own custom steemit style reward pool, making changes to curation percentage, reward payout times, staking and unstaking times and how many pieces you get paid back in, the number representing the curve which changed on steemit from quadratic to linear to make things more fair after much internal debate, so this allows you to make your own CUSTOM steemit reward pool, making changes to the token in seconds when it used to take years to zero in on what steem/hive use today over various hardforks and witness elections.

However this means we do want telos stakeholders of a telos chain token with scotbot style reward pool inflation enabled, to be able to vote witness/ Block producer election style at anytime to change the settings of their reward pool, with the mainnet TLO token’s reward pool

for the main hypothetical smart contract social media system being the subject of much debate and change when it is first released and used by telos users making posts and making and receiving upvotes and watching users getting paid in 7 days? We can discuss if we want the payout days to be 3 or 4 days instead, and if we want curation at 50% or 25% but that will all be the next level of this proposal.

First things first we should replicate the proposal system and allow people to post stripped down posts without the proposal PDF or extra actions needed like paying fees, we will have just one action, a posting action,m like discussions app, a “post draft” action, and that will allow your post to show up and get voted on for the next 7 days (that simply seems to work well on steem/hive but we can change that number) and then an action for claiming rewards on posts would be needed. on telos with its existing POSTING and UPVOTE actions can be included. Downvotes are controversial and can always be included later if we decided they are needed to combat spam. But they probably wont be needed if we just have good front end content moderation tools and leave spammers stuck with posting on a raw block explorer no one else is going to use to read their posts unless its an emergency ;) Another great reason why this can work so well, block explorers like and ajor can be setup to display these specially formatted telos social posts by showing their ipfs image links as image previews and showing buttons for comments and displaying replies under each post even if the transaction came later!

We will also want to allow for a special TOOL for the current telos works decide contracts that allows a proposal maker to set up a proposal to start directly funding a custom “scotbot” or telos custom social token or SMT smart media token’s reward pool so using tswaps a pool can immediately be created for a token created to be minted to pay users for a specific interest in a special subforum, showing up on’s and on block explorers and front end sites like and a few mobile apps WHICH will require their OWN proposals of course,and appics and newlife can both become a part of this , what i want to be, a UNIVERSAL social media feed, a place all the telo social post and even sometimes telos DEX transactions and NFT purchases on AreaX all show up as a twitter like social media post on these Telos Social front ends which can each take beneficiary reward fees to post through them and we can generate telos users a TEMPORARY POSTING KEY from their Active key, like figured out HOW to do with EOSIO already. This now increases safety allowing Telosian’s to generate a posting key from an active key that only allows them to post from their account and not transact any tokens, (like steem/hive) and now they can copy and paste that thing into mobile apps MUCH safer than an active key like Appics is currently asking for in its current form on telos! Under this system, posts from appics, newlife and would all end up on this telos social system, with custom social upvote inflation token reward pools from the proposal system

Details are of course negotiable, but the main goal is a universal social media standard for Telos (to be later adopted by all chains) which will use telos proposals to fund a steemit style reward pool, with a smart contract working directly with telos.decide works.decide type contracts with custom actions for posting, upvoting and claiming of rewards. Curatable tip balances are also

All TLOS for the monthly reward pool would go directly to a custom smart contract to be controlled by BPs and telos stakeholders, and a team will be setup to start work on a network of front ends, hopefully working directly with and creating a microblog reddit/steemit/hive blog style or as the first of many telos front ends using this special back end (With inspiration from telos contract with its posting and upvote post actions)



Why do something like steemit/hive?

Telos can do something new, innovative, cool, fair, inclusive and equitable.

Publications must not have an expiration date, payments must be daily, the purpose must be to empower the user community, to raise the economic level of the user who interacts with the new network, if it is in Telos, it must be better, That is what I want and hope.

Ackza, thank you for having this initiative.

Publications must not have an expiration date, payments must be daily,

yeah telos can let us do that

when i say steem/hive all i mean is, a social media with rewards, you are correct we would need it to do so much more, like telos can finally allow

yes we would need some system for ads and residual rewards, maybe tip curation etc

yes telos will also be more fair, and we have a constitution, a court system with cases

i want a custom proposal system with proposals you can set for whatever time you want to get rewards. and staking custom times liek 1 year staking so youc an lock yourself from spending money etc

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Good proposal. Yeah, Telos will be a great protocol to support such social network. To eliminate sme of the draw back of Hive/Steem, the community can power it with a fractal governance model.

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