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RE: What is your most burning question about online business?

Hey, thanks for your question! (And great video!!)

Focusing the message on the right audience is the best question you could have.

Knowing your "who" is so key to success in any campaign.

If you are not going to post the video in a niche community and you know you need to be kinda general with the video, then, I would take note of which ones are the most popular communities and do something similar to what you did in this video - call out the various people who benefit from Hive.

After you've gone through that "list", I would then add in a "catch all" statement that brings the rest of the world in to enjoy Hive.

I'm going to recommend a book that is amazing - written by the top copywriter at Agora Financial (one of the top sellers of information products in the world, mostly through video sales letters) and this book will help you script out the flow of your message.

No matter what the message, if it is a message that is supposed to sell, your videos and sales pages will do far better by using the 10-question format that Evaldo mentions in his book.

The book is called "The 16-Word Salesletter" by Evaldo Albuquerque.

It is my best recommendation for sales copy and copywriting.

Hope this was helpful!


Fantastic - glad I’m on the right lines and thanks for the book recommendation!

Hive is such a huge multi-faceted, multi-purpose platform... I struggle to figure out WHO this is for and what features to push.
I hope your recommendation can help.

Thanks for your time :)

Yeah, I'd look at the most populated / popular communities and aim at those targets.