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RE: Please Help Me Pick the Topic for My Next Book

in Hive Book Club9 months ago

I am going to choose Book 2, being a Christian myself, my husband and I truly believe cryptocurrencies will be our future. Of course, some have the beliefs that we shouldn't go for prosperity or being a prosperity preacher, those 'money is the root of all evil' matter. However, our belief is cryptocurrencies, if understand from the correct viewpoint is going to bring a better future. We pray that the world will transit properly, cryptocurrencies and without corruption. Thank you for writing these out for us.


Awesome thoughts @iamjadeline. For me, it's not necessarily about crypto as money. That's just one aspect of crypto. It's also about identity security, data security, intellectual property protection, censorship-resistance, and more individual freedom and autonomy. All of those are things everyone, including Christians should be in favor of. The really important part for Christians to understand are the benefits of decentralization versus the downsides to centralization.

Thanks for your input.