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RE: 100 Ways To Improve Your Writing by Gary Provost Review

in Hive Book Club6 months ago

This sounds really interesting, and something I should read. Especially the section about passive and active voice.

Sometimes when I'm writing it seems to flow, but then some days it's clunky, mechanical, and I don't feel that my pacing is that great. Also, I can sometimes hyper focus on over used things like, "he done this," or "he done that." I need to find more ways to describe actions from the eyes of a person, rather than saying what they're doing.

I'm on the final chapter of a novella I've been writing, so the end section on editing could be really useful too.

Thanks for the post, you've given me some food for though and a new author to read!


I need to find more ways to describe actions from the eyes of a person, rather than saying what they're doing.

Right! I struggle with that too because I think there's moderation in everything. Even something that becomes too descriptive become boring. If you're interested do check out his work, it's pretty helpful when you're looking for an input for a editing.

PS: sorry just got back here, I am currently moving in between home + hospital :')

That's true, yeah being bogged down in description and details can impact the flow of the writing just as much. I'll be sure to check it out. I have two of Joseph Campbells books, 'the heros jounrey,' and 'the hero with a thousand faces'

They're worth looking into too, he draws similarities between all successful stories and even myths from around the world and the connections between all elements that make for good stories.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, are you okay?