Suspenso: La Zona Muerta- Stephen King | Suspense: The Dead Zone- Stephen King

in Hive Book Club7 months ago


Alrededor del año 1970, en una ciudad llamada Maine, un joven llamado John Smith mantiene una relación amorosa con una colega suya llamada Sarah Bracknell. Ambos son docentes universitarios. Al regresar de una feria John deja a su novia en su respectiva casa y decide regresar a la suya en taxi, con la mala fortuna de que, en el camino, un terrible accidente lo arroja a una cama de hospital, en un profundo estado de coma. Sus padres son comunicados, y si bien Herb lo acepta de a poco y lo toma con fortaleza, su madre llamada Vera inicia con esto un camino místico y falto de cordura.

Johnny continua mientras pasan los meses y Sarah, a pesar de que lo quiere mucho, decide seguir adelante, mientras sus padres entran en quiebra al gastar el dinero que poseen en los cuidados del hospital.


A la par, se va contando la historia de un tenebroso personaje (o así lo dibuja King desde el inicio), llamado Greg Stillson. Es un sujeto extraño, que trabaja como vendedor y que utiliza sus encantos fingidos para agradar a la población, ascendiendo de a poco en su estatus social, incluso pensando en ser el siguiente alcalde.

Cierto día de 1975, Johnny sale de su estado de coma, y descubre que han pasado casi cinco años desde su accidente. Debe aceptar de a poco que ha perdido a Sarah, que su madre está enferma, y que su vida ha pasado. Parte de su cerebro se ha dañado “la zona muerta”, lo que le causa dificultad en obtener algunos recuerdos.


Pronto descubre que, al tocar a las personas, o algunos objetos, puede visualizar sucesos asociados a ellos, ya sea pasados, o, casi siempre, futuros. Su madre, al comprender que ha despertado, y no tomar su medicación, sufre un accidente cerebro vascular y, antes de morir, le dice que “Dios tiene planes” (dentro de un misticismo muy bien logrado).

Johnny va a vivir con su padre y se aleja del constante acoso de personas que quieren que utilice sus poderes con sus objetos. Entre investigaciones y hechos de suspenso, Johnny tiene la oportunidad de cruzarse con Greg Stillson, y al tocarlo, descubre que no sólo será presidente, sino que este hecho desencadenará un terrible problema nuclear, un futuro catastrófico. Deberá decidir entonces si el saber esto justifica hacer cualquier cosa por evitar que Greg llegue a ese cargo de poder, incluso su muerte.


Este libro es una excelente obra de Stephen King, que, usando todas sus habilidades literarias, logra crear un mundo de suspenso que te mantiene atrapado. Esta historia fue llevada al cine y a la televisión en dos versiones de igual nombre. Una novela para leer y muy recomendada.


  • Las imágenes me pertenecen
  • Traductor: Deepl traslator


Around the year 1970, in a town called Maine, a young man named John Smith has a romantic relationship with a colleague of his named Sarah Bracknell. They are both college professors. After returning from a fair, John leaves his girlfriend at her house and decides to return home by cab, with the misfortune that, on the way, a terrible accident throws him into a hospital bed, in a deep coma. His parents are informed, and although Herb accepts it slowly and takes it with fortitude, his mother named Vera begins with this a mystical and unsensible path.

Johnny continues as the months go by and Sarah, although she loves him dearly, decides to move on, while her parents go bankrupt spending what money they have on hospital care.


At the same time, the story of a shady character (or so King draws him from the beginning), named Greg Stillson, is told. He is a strange guy, who works as a salesman and uses his feigned charms to please the population, rising little by little in his social status, even thinking of being the next mayor.

One day in 1975, Johnny comes out of his coma and discovers that almost five years have passed since his accident. He must slowly accept that he has lost Sarah, that his mother is ill, and that his life has passed. Part of his brain has been damaged "the dead zone", which causes him difficulty in obtaining some memories.


He soon discovers that, by touching people or objects, he can visualize events associated with them, either past or, almost always, future. His mother, realizing that he has awakened, and not taking his medication, suffers a stroke and, before dying, tells him that "God has plans" (within a very well achieved mysticism).

Johnny goes to live with his father and gets away from the constant harassment of people who want him to use his powers with their objects. Between investigations and suspenseful events, Johnny has the opportunity to cross paths with Greg Stillson, and when he touches him, he discovers that not only will he be president, but that this fact will trigger a terrible nuclear problem, a catastrophic future. He must then decide if knowing this justifies doing anything to prevent Greg from reaching that position of power, even his death.


This book is an excellent work of Stephen King, who, using all his literary skills, manages to create a world of suspense that keeps you trapped. This story was made into movies and television in two versions of the same name. A novel to read and highly recommended.


  • Images belong to me
  • Translator: Deepl traslator