in Hive Book Club2 months ago

Hive Moms, do you read books about kids, childhood, motherhood, upbringing, kids psychology?

I do.

I am doing it not because I'm super clever but because I try to be better for my son first of all.
I wanna understand what he feels, what he wants, why and how to help him be happy in this life.

We teach our kids Maths, reading, languages, painting....
But what about their own feelings??
What about their relationships with other kids, with adults, with themselves??
I think it's much more important.

I feel a great pity that psychology has become so popular and necessary in my country only some years ago. Early people didn't understand how important it is for our happy life.
Now I try to study my own feelings and my son's inner world as well.

In the library I found 2 great books: about kids emotions and how to make peace with them
and about general problems and questions connected with kids.

I like both of them because they give PRACTICAL information what to do, when and how. Not just theory like most books give.

Now I am interested in my son's fears of death, of loosing parents and in his emotions which he can't overcome sometimes.
He can be too offensive, too aggressive, too sad and I see he doesn't know what to do with them...

Reading these books, I've found some great advice that I am planning to use with my son.

There're good therapy fairytales for kids where some easy stories can show real ways out of problems.

And I've found good info of how to speak with kids about death.
We don't have to stop their questions, to avoid them, to say "it's too early to speak about it". We need to be sincere and open, and very calm!! We have to avoid fear touching this theme.
I think all kids sooner or later face this fear, and parents should try to make them calm about it.

I had a talk with my boy about death and said my real thoughts about it. He was crying at first, then he was thinking long, and then he was calm. He got it's a part of this world, but it doesn't mean we should speak about it or wait it any moment.

I planned to visit a psychologist having all these questions, but I'm glad there are really useful books for moms who can help us make our kids happier.


The best time spent in learning helps us to up bring our kids grow pretty well and become the best individuals in their lives. Great habit of reading books on child psychology and development.


thank you!
it can help us in many situations

I recently have a niece and already told my cousin in law to read their kids a book. It's what I experienced as a kid and remained something that is pretty impactful. It's very nice of you to do that and your kids are lucky to have you as their mom.

books really can help when we have no experience
knowledge is around, we need just take it;)