The Most Interesting Contents About Health And Home Book|| Book Review


Edited By: Canva Application

Greetings hive book lovers all over the World. All of us loves to read different kinds of books according to the topics we would like to read about. Most of the books contains lots of different kinds of topics in one volume, and for that it will be very helpful to us gaining more knowledge and Ideas about the book we read. Health and Home books contains lots of lofty information and most of it reflects in our everyday life. In connection with the article I made, I will share one of the best book I always read and this is "HEALTH AND HOME". This is also serve as a book reviews about the contents and topics inside of the book.


Health and Home was been Published and released year 1996 and the volume of the book I was holding and keep here is Volume 37. The topics is more related in Better living and it also reflected to human behaviour and also includes the psychological topics.

The Top Topics:

  • Super Dad
  • The Joy of Being Open
  • Healthy Words
  • Beyond the Trash Can

As I read the contents inside of this book, I found out this interesting topics and and I will share my deep opinion regarding with it.


First is the Healthy Words. Each of us must Have this kind of good practices so that we can gain more friends and to be an active and good listener everytime when theirs someone who will share their problems to us. If there is a golden Words like "Thank you", "Please" and other golden words there is also a Healthy words and this includes those good words, so that people or other people will not be offended. Giving a proper And good words will help others gain more courage and self-esteem. Sending love letters is also a kind of Healthy words in which we expressed our Love and a good words to the people we would like to send the letter.


When we say Super Dad, it means that He did all of Mother's obligations just like cleaning the house, take care of the children, cooking foods, laundry and Do shopping. This is actually did when Wife was away for work or attending some urgent activities. This is also called multi-tasking because of more roles and obligations He did for his Family. The love and care for his family including the support and sustainable of children's primary needs is includes to become Super Dad. A Great sacrifice for his family and this is Super.


Our society was already have garbage problem, many trash materials scattered in the place and some of it are in the rivers, seas, canal and drainage systems. This is not really good and it keeps the environment unhealthy and damage. Because of that, the Word "PROPER Segregation" is born and it helps the environment clean. Aside of that, recycling helps the Nature presserve the beauty of the place and people will earn money buy selling those recycled materials to the Junk shop.

In this topic, it also includes the steps on how to do proper segregation, a trash cans for cans, bottles, papers and plastics. Biodegradable trash cans were we can put Rotten fruits and vegetables and those materials that can easily decayed or decomposed.


Being opened to other people can gain more friends and we can share our Problems but not all problems. Aside of our Family, Our friends also helps us to give some good suggestion and advise if we keep opened to them. Bonding with friends and families keeps strengthen the relationship between us and other people. This is also a good kind of practices we should apply so that we can lived peacefully surrounded with many people who loves us.

This are some of the great topics inside of this book and I am glad and happy that I have this and the information I also may applied to myself. Thank you for visiting and reading my post, have a nice day everyone.


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I think it is excellent how you have delved into concepts such as “Healthy Words”, where you emphasize the importance of using a positive and constructive vocabulary to strengthen bonds with others. That idea that simple words like “thank you” and “please” can have a big impact is really valuable. 😃

Exactly, that is why healthy words are very important and a good kind of practices we should always applied. ☺️

Thank you for visiting my post, have a nice day. ☺️