Back to the Writing Table - The Story of Hypersensitivosaurus Continues

No matter how much I've read about and listened to talks and podcasts on Taoism

I even blogged about the Tao of Pooh years ago,

about going with the flow, not making things harder than necessary and all that jazz, I still tend to struggle throughout my creative process and throughout life in general and I am proud to say that I rock ( paper, scissors ) at overcomplicating things.
No matter how creative I might look from the outside, it doesn't necessarily come to me easily.

I sometimes feel as if my life is all about taking U-turns and side roads, machete-ing my way through dense forests. It's almost as if the lesson that I should learn, is to focus on enjoying the process and letting go of goals and goal setting.

Then again, I can't help but realize that goal setting is probably a good thing. It's just really tough for me, as I feel it goes against creativity ( a believe that doesn't help much ).

A couple of days ago, I watched a 20 minute interview by Russel Brand with author Julia Cameron - that I discovered thanks to @danielapevs The book is called 'The Artist's Way'. The fragments of advice that were uttered, weren't huge eye openers to me but there was something she said about ""Breaking the Blocks" that made me realize I might be making excuses not to continue writing my book. So I thank Russell and her for that.

I would like to say that this was the final boost I needed to get back to my writing.

Lately, I have merely focused on ( dino ) arting and hardly on writing.

I set out in October 2019 to write a book and I managed to write 50k words in November that year. Over time, I added plenty of words to that, writing short dino stories.
To all of this I could add a bunch of drawings and artworks that are all related to the Hypersensitivosaurus dinoverse. That doesn't make it feel less like a jigsaw puzzle, fresh out of the box though.

I guess I will need some out-of-the-box thinking.

To give myself some credit...

I can't help but feel that all that time was needed to figure out where to go with this. In fact, I'm not 100% sure if where I'm going now is the way to go. Let's merely say that it's nice to be back to ( dino ) writing.

Let me end this rant with a little sneak peak of my recent book writing, where I try to connect some of the previously mentioned strings or pieces of the puzzle.

dino sneak peak.png

TO BE CONTINUED... ( that's one thing I can be sure of )


It feels kind of good to read this. I'm struggling a lot lately with my painting. My blockade is that MakersPlace application, I still have to wait one week until I get an answer, or not answer at all, because no one ever noticed my application, or looked at the paintings, I sent them. I wish that wouldn't bother me so much, but somehow that affects my motivation to create.
So to read, that you're back to writing, feels very good :-) I hope, I find my flow again soon, too.


Happy to hear that this helped you a little :<)

Waiting is the hardest part ( which is also an awesome song by Tom Petty ). To be honest, the high Gas prices on Eth make a platform like MakersPlace pretty unappealing to me these days. No matter how much I'd like to earn Ethereum, I feel you need to be rich to even put your art on there. I will wait a little longer and also need more time to create some unique art to showcase on there.

And yeah, it helps to have a couple of things to focus on. Let's see if I can find a way to work on my visual art and my writing in such a way that both will benefit from it.

Try to stay positive and find things you love to do, to distract you from the waiting. People aren't made to wait and it's probably even harder for sensitive creatives like you and I ;<)


Thanks so much for your words <3
The high gas prices make me scared, too. And I don't even know if anyone will buy my artworks ^^ I'll see, if it's meant to be or not.
Meanwhile, I keep painting silly alien pictures, because it's fun and they make me smile.

By the way, I love your writing style. I already know, I'm gonna enjoy reading your novel, when it's finished <3

Thank you so much. The love is mutual! :<)

Keep it up brother. I love your writing style, and I think it's safe to say it's very unique and very "you".

Thank you man. I appreciate the kind words :<)

It makes me very happy that at least with my small suggestion I have contributed something for you. ♥

We must always trust in our work and although we may be absent from it for a few days, the important thing is never to abandon it. If you have the opportunity to read the book you will realize it, with your eyes super closed I recommend it to you. I am a fan of all your work, although I don't always comment due to lack of time, I always watch it and enjoy it very much, never stop doing it. ♥♥

Muchas gracias, Daniela :<)

How do I read a book with my eyes closed? Listen to it, I guess ;<)

Your kind words make me smile. It's these little things that confirm that I'm on the right path.

enjoying the process and setting goals are not mutually exclusive. Having goals and clinging to them are different things. You can have goals without getting too upset when they don't pan out. I think we have a similar situation of not being able to stick to deadlines and changing plans a lot. But you can embrace the change in plan without throwing the map out entirely.

I love that intro BTW :-D

enjoying the process and setting goals are not mutually exclusive. Having goals and clinging to them are different thing

Words true to my heart.

you can embrace the change in plan without throwing the map out entirely.

Hear, hear. It's how I try to live my life, in general.

Big hug!