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RE: Five books I have read this year and my thoughts on them / Cinco libros que he leído este año y mis pensamientos sobre ellos. [ENG-ESP]

Danielle Steele is one of my fave authors but I find her books from the early 2000s and later to be boring for the most part. I'm not surprised at your review.

I like Nearly All The Men In Lagos Are Mad. It's funny and relatable. But the sex scenes were unnecessary in some of the stories, they seem forced.

Why Men Marry Bitches. See, you hit the nail on the head. It makes relationships look like a game and I don't have the patience to continue so I never finished it. I steer clear from books like this.

Someone mentioned The Rules of Money on the bookchat and I downloaded it. I still haven't opened it though. Since you all have been raving about the author I will actually read it.

For the last book, the cover isn't enticing at all and your review doesn't help lol.


I feel like the problem is Danielle Steel's books is that they are too long, it is hard to keep up.

The sex scenes in nearly all the men in Lagos are men are forced, I think the author was trying to throw a mix of erotica or something.

Why men love bitch and marry bitches is just trash, I think most dating advice books are.

You should read the rules of money, there are some gems but it can get tiring especially if you have prior knowledge of finance.

The last people isn't that bad just too predictable which I don't enjoy.