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RE: Insecurity & Confidence: my experience

In my experience you never grow out of an insecurity, but you can identify them and learn to live with them.

If you are just learning about manifesting, you will learn that you CAN grow out of an insecurity. And in fact, you must. Good job for starting on the path of least resistance! I am confident you will do well. Feel free to message me on discord or hive chats if you need a little friendly guidance! I'm sure all of us here will be able to help each other. I think the community is kind of new. I'm not really sure. I just found out about it. LOL


Thanks for your reply, I'm happy my story is being seen and I will try my best to share more so I can get great advice like yours.

There are not a lot of people in this community, so I'm trying to help build it. I think we need more manifesting content on hive. I'm trying to spread the word. It's not owned by me, but I figured I could help.

As for finding manifesting advice in general, this hive community doesn't have a server. You are welcome to join mine. It's not very big yet, but will be. I'm growing a community for people who can meet together and find coaching or support each other in manifesting ideas. I've got two servers. One with coaches and a library, and another that will be more social and conversational.

That's true I haven't found many communities like this one. I really hope this one grows.

It will grow. It does grow. And there are ways to make it grow. If you want some tips, please let me know. I can help you get more connected. But there are people in this community who help coach new arrivals like yourself. I do a little, but I'm not really focused on it.

For starters, though, when you post to a community, make sure you click the button at the top to allow it to post to your page as well. So you get double credit and double the views. If you are new, it won't make a huge difference, but as you gain followers and build your community, it can help.
Screenshot 2021-10-02 10.13.55 AM.png

I need this encouragement alot right now, thanks little scribe