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RE: DEISM is functionally identical to ATHEISM

in Atheism4 years ago

Human rights are granted by consensus (NOT gods or kings).

THEN 'Consensus' = -The Grantor of said 'Rights'-, and 'Consensus' can REVOKE said 'Rights', thus != 'Inalienable'.

(IFF) you believe that humans should be treated with some minimum of consideration, regardless of their identity or previous actions (THEN) you and I agree.

I do agree. I did not say you must ONLY 'survive and procreate'. That is merely the 'inalienable' part. It is up to us to strive to 'THRIVE and procreate', which leads to a natural 'evolution' if you will, or even a 'self-learning/improving-AI'.

(IFF) you believe that humans should all fend for themselves (AND) "FUCK YOU I GOT MINE" (THEN) you and I disagree.

LOL no I don't. This is not at all in accordance with cosmic/universal/God's Law.
By the way:

Many people associate the word ‘law’ with the image of a rule or law either imposed by a collective decision or from above. This is the meaning of the word in the legal
or religious sense. Such a law, issued by people, is subject to a certain random change, and whether it is effective or not may depend on time and place. The other meaning of law is a rule describing a certain regularity. A law like that may describe how something is, how it works, or how it interacts with something else. Unlike juridical or religious laws, it cannot be changed because of someone’s opinions, convictions, or interests. This kind of law or principle describes how something is, and what is being described is subject to the description because that is how it is rather than how someone wants it to be. Read more here if interested

Once you do that, it's a simple matter of capriciously moving individuals in and out of "enemy group" as you see fit, which is the very definition of "untrustworthy".

Which is why that is not an acceptable thing to do in accordance with universal law, or 'the way it Is'.
