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RE: Shopping for Vegan Food Products in Germany

I get the impression you're a vegan as well? If so, it's great to meet other vegans! Also, in regard to your post... That's interesting to see what's available there where you live, seems like such a massive difference from a number of years ago! I remember when my grocery stores didn't even have a vegan section and now they all have quite a variety of options and "animal product substitutes". It's nice to see the positive change! Though, still prefer to eat whole plant foods most of the time!


Yes I eat mostly vegan but slip up now and again. I think the more substitute foods there are, the better as it helps with transition.

I've gone through a few phases of mostly salads, mostly fruit and now try more balanced with cooked, raw and fruits. There are still many toxic vegan foods to minimise like grains imo. Even so, I crave bread now and again.

It's awesome that you're making an effort! So many don't even try. So, I commend you and appreciate your journey.

I agree the substitutes help a lot of people, and the substitute cheese helped me in the beginning when I went vegan, but eventually got the point where I don't need any of that anymore... I do still eat some substitute stuff sometimes, but I realize it's not healthy compared to whole plant foods.

I've heard a lot of claims about grains being unhealthy, though to me it seems like whole grains aren't so bad? But, I haven't really looked into it deep enough to say for sure.