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RE: Broccloli spinach peas and parsley soup - Green day

Oh we know. We have, some seeds, some knives, a hack saw, a tent,fire starters etc., but right now we have two elderly people that will be stranded alone here. They have all the jabs though. It's cold so going into the wilderness is a challenge for us but I would rather do that then stick around for this. We have no where to go other then just walk away.


Get a map, camping gears and survival tools, just in case. Go to somewhere warmer, with water sources and food sources too.

The two elderly persons couldn’t make the trip any way. They’re better where they are, at least for another year before the immune systems got completely destroyed and various diseases started to take over! Hope it’s a quick transition rather than a long agonizing phase! Keep praying!

Hope that you don’t have to take such drastic actions. People might start rioting and things wouldn’t be easily controlled. Just hope for some miracles. BTW, I had a small UFO passing by in my garden a few days ago! My prayer did work! They got my message. So, anything could happen, just use the mind positively!

Thank you I hope we don't have to use the gear we have purchased already. We have spent well over 1500 dollars to run with. Going south would be great but we are not too far from the American border so getting over there would be impossible. I feel a sense of calm to hear that you had a successful prayer session. Thank you for helping the world all you can. One positive vibe leads to another.

We have no intentions of taking the elderly. This is why it would be total abandonment. We don't have anyone else around here. We don't even have friends. These people can barely walk across the room and they think the world is exactly the way television says it is. Not a clue.

Anyway I always feel comfort in your word thank you.

Wow! You have gathered all the essential tools for the getaway mission. The immigrants could just cross over the southern border into America via natural loopholes. It would be nice if you could have an invisible raft floating across the border! Then find an empty cabin in the forest for shelter!