Green Pea Stuffed Bread Recipe.

Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you're doing well. I'm also fine. Today, I'm sharing the recipe for green pea stuffed bread with you all.
Making this is very easy, so let's learn how to make it.


  • Wheat flour - 2 cups (300 grams)
  • Green peas - 1 cup, mashed
  • Green chili - 1, finely minced
  • Fresh coriander - 2 tablespoons, finely chopped
  • Oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Green chili - 4
  • A few cloves of garlic
  • Salt - ¾ teaspoon or to taste
  • Oil - for frying
  • Cumin seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Fennel seeds - 1/2 teaspoon

First, peel the peas and set them aside, then add green chilies and garlic to them.

Now, take a pan, add 1 tablespoon of oil, and sauté all the ingredients together.

Once cooked, transfer it to a bowl and let it cool, then grind it with fennel and cumin seeds.

Take a bowl, add the wheat flour, ground pea mixture, 1 tablespoon of oil, and knead the dough.

Take a dough ball and roll it out with a little oil and a rolling pin until it forms a smooth disk about 3 to 4 inches in diameter. Do not roll the puri too thin. Prepare all the puris in the same manner.

To fry the puris, first check the temperature of the oil. Drop a small ball of dough into the oil; if it rises to the surface sizzling, the oil is hot enough. Carefully place the puri in the hot oil. Gently press it down with a slotted spoon until it puffs up. Then, flip it over and fry until both sides are golden brown.

Your green pea stuffed bread, known as puri, is ready to be enjoyed with your favorite curry or vegetables.

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Shaandar, it looks very yummy 😋, nicely explained, will share with my mom to make it for us. Have a great day.


Thank you

Most welcome 🙏

This bread looks delicious, crunchy, ideal to accompany many meals, and you have also explained it in great detail, which is very good.

I want to make a point to you @khushboo108: This community is NOT hivefood, so please refrain from using that tag in this community and in Foodies Bee Hive or Amazing Drinks. Thank you.

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Okay ma'am, I will keep that in mind.

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Nunca lo había intentado con vegetales. Pero se ven divinas. Deberé probarlas jeje

Thank you Ecency and @Melinda10100 ma'am, for supporting me.