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RE: Broccloli spinach peas and parsley soup - Green day

Absolutely love it! But I always do, everything you make Carolyn. Absolutely delicious and as you said comforting. It's been gloomy, windy and cold here in Ontario as well. I don't know how I am going to survive this winter!


You're too kind thank you!
It's got to be colder here in Montreal. It's absolutely miserable. Three more months until we can go out without suffering.

Always a pleasure Sweetie 💖😍💖

Today is finally sunny, but now is really cold. Maybe not as cold as in Montreal, but it's -9C and they are forecasting -13C for tomorrow. But I remember the winter in Montreal, so I know, lol. Just stay warm and safe Carolyn. Luckily I don't have to go anywhere.