First Time Trying Peanut Sauce Radish Salad

Radish is a type of vegetable that is rarely consumed by the people of Aceh in particular. I almost never find these vegetables in local markets, except in certain cities, like Lhokseumawe for example. They sell these vegetables, but the prices are much different in other areas. When I first got to know radishes, I thought these were white carrot vegetables. In fact, both have significant differences in taste.

Radishes themselves have a slightly bitter taste if processed improperly, and contain less water than carrots. Carrots themselves have dense flesh and are not watery at all. So you need to know, actually this is the first time I've tried radish vegetables, and I think I have to process them properly so that the taste will be maximized and as expected.

Peanut Sauce Carrot Radish Salads


After seeing some tips on how to prepare radishes on the internet, I ventured to make a salad from this vegetable. Now, although I've never tried it, when I started cooking I did get a slight taste of real horseradish when I cut into it. In my opinion, this taste is not bad, in fact it is very tasty and suits my tongue.


Vegetable salad without dressing will also be bland right?, now my choice fell on peanut sauce, I really like vegetable salad combined with peanut sauce for some reason peanut sauce is a great choice for special vegetable salads, after all, don't you want a combination of ingredients? 100% vegan!. Well I love it, let me take you to prepare step by step.

Materials Used


1 radish size according to taste
1 carrot
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar

Peanut Sauce Seasoning


1 red onion
2 cloves of garlic
30 grams of peanuts
1 candlenut
3 red chilies
5 bird's eye chilies

Step Create

Step 1
Boil 400 ml of water that has been added salt and sugar, wait until the water is really boiling.



Step 2
Peel and cut the radish lengthwise,



Step 3
Then cut the carrots too, following the radish shape.



Step 4
After the radish is cut lengthwise, set it aside in a larger container for soaking.



Step 5
If the water has boiled, put the water into the container containing the radishes and carrots, leave it for 5 minutes.



Step 6
Then strain, and drain first so that later the salad doesn't contain too much water.



Step 7
Roast the peanuts, garlic, bird's eye chilies and candlenuts, roast until golden brown.



Step 8
Then grind the spices with a blender until smooth.



Step 9
Saute the spices with a little oil, then add salt and a spoonful of sugar.



Step 10
Cook until the sauce thickens, then serve with the radish and carrots.





Carrot radish salad is ready to be served on your plate, for this recipe I got 2 servings of special salads. I think it's very delicious, the combination of radish and carrot makes me very tempted, how unlucky I am to try radish just now. Well I think this is how to get rid of the strange taste of radishes as people are talking about solved. It turns out to taste very well, if the horseradish is well prepared.





The combination of the flavors of the peanut sauce is no less delicious, it blends perfectly with the two vegetables. I think these are the best vegetable salads, I ate them during the day, for my lunch, they were so good I finished them in no time.

About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone.

See you in the next post

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This was a fascinating post. Fascinating as learning about cuisine across the world is always. As much as I have travelled and eaten wonderful flavours internationally I am always amazed by the variety. Here in SA radishes are common BUT they don't look like that. Ours are tiny and pink. Almost like a pale beetroot that shrunk. As for your peanut butter sauce, would you believe I have never made it and I can't wait to try it

Wow, it's very interesting to hear that your radish is different, and it's red, I'm very curious. I'm waiting for you to make your radish dish, it must sound very interesting!.

Peanut butter is the best way to make a salad in my opinion. You will definitely love it!

Our radish is very burny. Almost like a chilli. When I chop it in salad I don't use a lot.

How about the taste?
is it a little bitter?

Not at all. A freshly chilli flavour

Wow, even though this is your first time making it, in my opinion the recipe and results of your cooking look perfect and delicious.

Thank you for visiting my blog friend!

I've never heard of a candlenut!

I've bookmarked to try this. Could you, possibly, suggest another nut I can replace for the candlenut, please? We don't have them here.

Your layout and information is brilliant, btw. Really well presented and I love the personal bits you write in. And your photos of yourself are really endearing.

Have a beautiful end to the weekend. 💕

Hi friend, it's great that you visit my post and leave a great comment on this post.

Kemiri is one of the grains that is very often used by Indonesian people in cooking spices. Actually candlenut is very similar to the type of nuts, the taste is almost close. However, when making peanut sauce, I always use it, but if you don't have it, you can don't add it, I guarantee it will taste very good too. And if you want to replace it with something else I think almonds and cashews are perfect.

My pleasure. Well worth visiting. Thank you.

And thanks for the info. Can't wait to try this one!

Have a beautiful Monday. 🌼 😊

What a fresh and exquisite dressing. The radish is a vegetable that I like very much, although I can't get it where I live, but in other places it is available and the price is affordable. Thank you for sharing such a delicious and healthy recipe.

Wow, you are very lucky to find radish easily, the price is affordable. This is perfect to accompany your beautiful day at home with your family. Enjoy trying the recipe!


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This has some nice ingredients. Your peanut sauce must be very delicious. I must try using whole peanuts for this sauce. I usually use peanut butter but your way would have a nicer flavor I'm sure. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for stopping by buddy.

I'm glad to hear you like my peanut sauce, you know homemade peanut sauce always tastes better than the peanut butter sold.
Therefore I often make it myself.

What a delivery in this presentation @nurfay I need someone at home to make me all this food, so nice, everything feels that great love in every step of the recipe, what colors and then the great complement you...Congratulations

Thank you for leaving a nice comment here, I'm glad you liked my piece.

I hope that in the future you can try this recipe at home. Have a nice day friend!

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