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RE: Collecting the collection- Tea Cups, saucers and cake plate sets

Yeah totally agree with you- so gorgeous and yes such a shame that I don't want to keep them but I am a renter, so I really have no where to keep them and I don't want to drag them around with me and I want to start traveling again.

I also don't like keeping things that I don't have a use for - not being a tea or coffee there are people out there that will love them and want to use them and I will find them, and you're right, by being patient and determining their value first.

I have never thought of selling them on Insta and Amazon either. Interesting...
I do have an ebay page and have sold some of Mum's Vintage dress patterns on there and alos sell on FB marketplace too, but I find that there's a lot of time that you need to invest in selling online, (plus an oversaturated marketplace) plus I haven't touched Insta since I stumbled into Hive 4 years ago...🤣

But interesting...Very very interesting (now you have planted a big seed...🤣)

Oh and if you're interested, watch out for next Sunday as there will be more- I intend to share these historical collections every Sunday, and knowing how big Mum's 'collections' are, that could be for many more years to come! 🤣😂😅😱

Next week will be the glassware section- 1950's till the 1980's..


I understand, when you are a renter you must live with just few things because it's hard to move from one house to another with so much stuff 😬🥴, the less, the better 😉 and it turns worse when they're things that aren't yours or that you're not interest in them 🤷🏻‍♀️. Anyway, you are lucky to have them, there's a treasure in your hands, both collectible and monetary 👌🏻💰.

Instagram is a nice place to sell things like those, you can create a special vintage stuff account and start posting them with the right tags #, and yes, you must invest some time taking good photos, looking for information and their value but I'm sure that will surely bring you good profits 💰 if you're patient 😉
Wow, 50s - 80s glassware 😲, I don't know how is that but sounds really interesting and sure l'll be waiting for that post 😃 and the rest 🤭🤭🤭🤭😁. Sorry for the late answer.
Have a happy weekend

Hey there @gatubela
So sorry for the delayed reply.
Work and life has been hectic that past few days!

Yeah I never thought of selling on INsta, infact I really haven't touched my Insta accounts since I stumbled into Hive! 🤣 I don't see the point in Insta anymore in comparison to Hive...but yes, definitely food for thought that you @gatubela

Also here's the glassware... Feast you eyes on these pretties! 🤣

Have a great week and talk soon!