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RE: Collecting the collection- Tea Cups, saucers and cake plate sets

in Hive Collectors β€’ last month

What a lovely collection, they are so delicate and beautiful πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ’–, it's a shame you don't want to keep them but at least you're trying to find good places for them with people that will really appreciate them πŸ‘πŸ». I wish you good luck, it's not easy to sell them but it's not imposible either, you should also try to sell them on Instagram and Amazon, but be patient, it's better to first know well their value so you can sell them for the right price.
I want to see more from your mom's collection πŸ˜ƒ

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Yeah totally agree with you- so gorgeous and yes such a shame that I don't want to keep them but I am a renter, so I really have no where to keep them and I don't want to drag them around with me and I want to start traveling again.

I also don't like keeping things that I don't have a use for - not being a tea or coffee there are people out there that will love them and want to use them and I will find them, and you're right, by being patient and determining their value first.

I have never thought of selling them on Insta and Amazon either. Interesting...
I do have an ebay page and have sold some of Mum's Vintage dress patterns on there and alos sell on FB marketplace too, but I find that there's a lot of time that you need to invest in selling online, (plus an oversaturated marketplace) plus I haven't touched Insta since I stumbled into Hive 4 years ago...🀣

But interesting...Very very interesting (now you have planted a big seed...🀣)

Oh and if you're interested, watch out for next Sunday as there will be more- I intend to share these historical collections every Sunday, and knowing how big Mum's 'collections' are, that could be for many more years to come! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜±

Next week will be the glassware section- 1950's till the 1980's..

I understand, when you are a renter you must live with just few things because it's hard to move from one house to another with so much stuff 😬πŸ₯΄, the less, the better πŸ˜‰ and it turns worse when they're things that aren't yours or that you're not interest in them πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ. Anyway, you are lucky to have them, there's a treasure in your hands, both collectible and monetary πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ’°.

Instagram is a nice place to sell things like those, you can create a special vintage stuff account and start posting them with the right tags #, and yes, you must invest some time taking good photos, looking for information and their value but I'm sure that will surely bring you good profits πŸ’° if you're patient πŸ˜‰
Wow, 50s - 80s glassware 😲, I don't know how is that but sounds really interesting and sure l'll be waiting for that post πŸ˜ƒ and the rest 🀭🀭🀭🀭😁. Sorry for the late answer.
Have a happy weekend

Hey there @gatubela
So sorry for the delayed reply.
Work and life has been hectic that past few days!

Yeah I never thought of selling on INsta, infact I really haven't touched my Insta accounts since I stumbled into Hive! 🀣 I don't see the point in Insta anymore in comparison to Hive...but yes, definitely food for thought that you @gatubela

Also here's the glassware... Feast you eyes on these pretties! 🀣

Have a great week and talk soon!