My mug collection presented by zebra friend

in Hive Collectors5 months ago

Greetings community. Happy star of the week to all.

For a while now I was thinking about something to share with the Hive Collectors community and was developing a post. But while perusing the community, I came across this friendly initiative created by @mipiano.

She invited us to share our mug collections and when I read the topic, I couldn't restrain myself from sharing mine. I think this emotion is shared by many hivers who have many memories with each mug they have bought or received as a present.

Well, I have decided to leave the presentation of the collection to the Zebra mug who knows them all in detail. I hope you enjoy it.


Hi guys, I'm the Zebra mug. I'm the most loved mug by the kids in the house. My particular embossed design also distracts the adults. I'm the only one of my kind, I think they wanted to bring a couple of little animal mugs like me, but they couldn't find them again. I have a long time with this family, so I know very well the history of the mugs in the house, the ones that are and were with us.

So join me in getting to know the other mugs.

Did you hear that? A splash, don't tell me that...


Are you guys retaking a bath? I told you today was collection day.
Hey, Zebra Mug! We'll be right up.


Hello Zebra Mug! We're on our way up.


Guys, but, take those towels off your heads jajaj do you want the community to know you like this?

They laugh and take off their towels. One of them says we are ready.


Well, says the zebra cup, who is going to speak? Everyone was embarrassed, so the one who said they were ready took the lead.


He said they came from a place they called the city. There, they watched through a window as people came and went, some people looked at them and told them they were very nice and friendly, but they looked around and ended up leaving other cups. The whole group stayed together, it was very good for them because they kept each other company. But, they were anxious to be taken away, they wanted to get out of that showcase. Well, a man arrived, detailed us, and said, this one is perfect for the family and so we left the highway and arrived at a place where we could bathe with rich water.

Mom must be coming that way, she knows more of the story and they said goodbye one by one to the zebra cup. She wanted to ask them more questions, but she felt she got a lot out of the conversation, they wanted to continue bathing, so let them enjoy themselves.

When the last one jumped into the dishwasher, they crowded under the waterfall to have their picture taken together. At that moment the boy's mother was arriving, to talk to the Zebra mug for another while.


She commented that everything the older woman said was true. Only one small detail, that highway they refer to, was a corridor of a market where many people circulated. We saw a lot of people passing by. But, the wait was worth it, the boys are still having a lot of fun together and since they have someone to run around with, I can rest a little from those little earthquakes.

She takes the opportunity to ask if she has spoken to the comadres, who are starting to meet. The zebra mug tells her that not yet, but she will take the opportunity to talk to them. Thank you very much for the tip. So, the zebra mug leaves to meet with the comadres.

The zebra mug explains, that these mugs are very friendly and they usually do what all the comadres do when they get together, drink coffee! They talk about everything and nothing at the same time and look for any reason to get together. To be honest with you, I usually spend a lot of time with them, there is some really good gossip.


She met with the comadres and after talking for a long time, the comadre "Te amo mamá" asked the zebra cup if she would talk to the grandparents. The collection would not be complete without the grandparents. She told them that of course they would, they were the first to confirm their participation. The peace mug told her that she should also talk to the new girls, even though they are new, they are already part of the family. She said she would try, sighing a little.



Now with the new girls as they were fondly named. The zebra mug tries to interact with them, but it is difficult, being new and not knowing new faces, it is hard for them to let go of that usher. Rightly so, if they only just arrived on the recent Christmas. Just as she was about to give up, the cowgirl mug arrived, this is a mug that the new girls are usually given, as it has always accompanied them since they arrived.


The cowgirl cup, tells some of them to come down to accompany her, and shyly two of them come down and stand next to the cowgirl cup, they let themselves be photographed with a shy smile. But, when the zebra cup approached they climbed back on the usher. They laughed a little and then the zebra and the cow cup talked for a while.

The little cow said that there were 6 before, but now there are only 4 left. She said that the two that left were so naughty that their destiny was more than a foregone conclusion, rather people saved them on countless occasions, but they never learned. Of course, they miss each other, but they know that these things happen, and even more so when there are naughty mugs like them.

The other cowgirls mugs arrived to corroborate the story and of course to show themselves in the collection. They arrived just in time for the photo.


While they were talking, an invitation was sent to the zebra cup to meet with the sisters. The mugs who saw the invitation were surprised to see that, were you invited by the vains (a name given to them because they don't share with other mugs) the zebra mug said yes, and well we all have our peculiarities.



She met the sister mugs and the protocol was high, the photographs were very specific, and strict and not all of them could be in the public domain. But, outside of this protocol, these mugs are very friendly, they like to see each other on special occasions, and so they are usually somewhat isolated from the other mugs. But, they like how special they are made to feel, how they are treated, and the care they are given.


It was getting late, the meeting with the grandparents was coming up. The grandparents begin.


There used to be 5 of us, but life took away two brothers, who we believe were very happy the time they were with us. Now we are the only ones left, passing on the legacy to the new members. The family, upon arriving in the city, wanted to have something special and something very special is to drink with your loved ones. Of course, the idea of the glasses was more appealing since they can be used more often. But, the cold of the region made them imagine drinking a delicious hot chocolate in a big bowl, when they saw us, they were amazed, they knew that we could fulfill that desire and our particular design, made us perfect for warm days, our pitcher can contain a delicious lemonade to refresh everyone in the place. We have been with the family for more than 30 years. 30 wonderful years.


Although the grandparents were to be the last, someone unconfirmed was able to show up. The Christmas mug wished the community a happy year and prayed that all their wishes would come true. He said that Christmas time is short, but very joyful and worth the wait. It is time to go, we will see each other again at Christmas.


The zebra cup and the Christmas cup hugged each other tightly, wishing each other well. Homesickness comes to the zebra mug, realizing that she is alone most of her life and shares so little with the others. But, this one said goodbye with a smile, a joy that was contagious.


Thank you very much zebra mug for introducing the whole collection. The comadres mugs are still waiting for you to chat for another while. Something tells me they want to know a little more about the sister mugs.

Well. These are the mugs in the collection. You can notice some mugs that have a particular resemblance and the reason I think is obvious, they are mugs that the family likes a lot, that one imagines drinking a cup of coffee in them or even better a thick hot chocolate in a cold, rainy weather and watching movies, which I already crave a lot.

With your permission, I'm going to satiate a little craving that came up suddenly. Happy day!


Oh, hello Zebra mug. This is a lovely way to present your mug friends and family, even while they had a bath hahaha, and tell us the whole story. 😍
But we also have to thank @flquin for letting you and your mug comadres to appear on his blog, and in this community!!! 😋


Looks like the boys enjoy taking their baths in every sense of the word jajaj.
The comadres and zebra stayed up late gossiping, it was a very exciting day for them. Zebra thanks you
Thanks again for the space and the initiative. I really enjoyed participating.

Hola Félix un gusto en conocerte, primero que nada debo felicitarte por la forma tan detallada, creativa y fantástica con que has presentado este post; Desde la cebra hasta el resto de la familia, fue increíble la lectura y me fascino porque creaste una historia muy divertida y elocuente para presentar las tazas 🙌😀💛

Todas las tazas están super geniales, las que más me gustaron fueron las hermanas, tienen mucho estilo y elegancia para tomar un buen te o un delicioso café; sin embargo la taza navideña, se lució con su entrada triunfal para dar un cierre emblemático con la cebra 🦓☃️❤️

Yo disfruto muchísimo lecturas de este nivel con fotografías y hasta gifs muy bien elaborados, este es un post 10/10 🔥🔥🔥... You Absolutely Rockkkk!!! 👍😎🔥☕❤️

Hi Felix a pleasure to meet you, first of all I must congratulate you for the detailed, creative and fantastic way you have presented this post; from the zebra to the rest of the family, it was an amazing reading and I was fascinated because you created a very funny and eloquent story to present the mugs 🙌😀💛

All the mugs are super cool, the ones I liked the most were the sisters, they have a lot of style and elegance to have a good tea or a delicious coffee; however the Christmas mug, shined with its triumphal entry to give an emblematic closure with the zebra 🦓☃️❤️

I really enjoy reading this level of reading with photographs and even very well elaborated gifs, this is a 10/10 post 🔥🔥🔥... You Absolutely Rockkkkk!!! 👍😎🔥☕❤️

Gracias amigo. De verdad me alegra el día con esa apreciación tan buena.

El primer gif lastimosamente no está completo. Lo traté de subir varias veces, pero el resultado fue el mismo. Al final, después de caminar, ella se voltea y pregunta por el sonido que se oye (el chapoteo de los muchachos). Pero, me gustó mucho el resultado.

La historia involucraba otro drama que sufrió una de las comadres. Pero se hacía muy larga y no quería que se llevara el protagonismo, todos tenían que ser igual de especiales.

Gracias nuevamente!

Thank you my friend. It really makes my day with such a nice appreciation.

The first gif is unfortunately not complete. I tried to upload it several times, but the result was the same. At the end, after walking, she turns around and asks for the sound you hear (the splashing of the boys). But, I really liked the result.

The story involved another drama suffered by one of the comadres. But it was getting too long and I didn't want her to take the spotlight, everyone had to be equally special.

Thanks again!


Did you hear about the dyslexic pimp?
He bought a warehouse.

Credit: reddit
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Hahahaha... That was an interesting journey, Zebra mug! Thanks for introducing us to your awesome mug friends! It looks like you have plenty of great and interesting mug friends with different shapes and ages! I like your small mug company!!!!
All the best to you and your friends! 😃

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project! Check out our Reading Suggestions Posts!

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Thank you!
I also really liked how Zebra presented the entire collection. She did it very well. She has that special charm.
As soon as I get home, I'm going to check about Liotes.
Again, thanks for the support.

Hi. I really enjoyed learning how the Zebra mug introduced the rest of the family, with total leadership and respect.
Thank you for bringing together a nice collection with the creativity of your mind. Regards @abrunet

Thanks to you!
That's right, zebra mug knows the collection very well.
Most of them have arrived as gifts, I guess it must be because coffee is so good for us.
Nice to see you.

abrunet, flquin sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/3) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Muy lindas tus tazas y la zebra muy habladora, jajaja.
Tu colección de las primeras tazas me trajo un recuerdo muy reciente 😭😭, justamente yo tenía unas iguales con su lechera y azucarera, son muy cómodas por su tamaño, fueron de mi primer viaje a Mérida, por eso las apreciaba y hace unos años decidí llevarlas a la casa de campo y justamente en los primeros días del año, viajamos al campo y nos encontramos que los amigos de lo ajeno se llevaron todos mis utensilios de la cocina, incluyéndolas a ellas, gracias por recordármelas.

Soy de Mérida, supongo serán tazas hermandad elaboradas por el mismo escultor.

Que pena que te haya ocurrido ese incidente. Solo me alegro, que no haya ocurrido con nadie en casa.

Esas tazas las compró mi padre, pero fue hace años. Le preguntaré dónde las compró para ver si queda alguna colección. Tal vez puedas conseguirlas de regreso.

Me alegro que te gustara la colección.

Si, amiga esas las compre hace muchos tiempo, mejor dicho 30 años. Mi primer viaje con mis hijos pequeños.

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Than you. I think I don't had wished you a happy new year. So Happy New Year!
Best wishes for all your projects and personal lives. Ando good health too

Thank you @flquin! The HiveBuzz team wishes you all the best for 2024! Have a Happy New Year too ✨🥂✨