My Miniatures Corner / Mi Rincón de Miniaturas

in Hive Collectors26 days ago


My Miniatures Corner

For days now I have been attracted by the Hive Collectors Community, well run by its administrator, @mipiano, with its interesting contest topics, this time about plushies and dedicated to all collector fans. As always, HIve is an open window, where there is space for all of us to feel identified. And today I wanted to dare to participate, taking this step with a collection of miniatures.


Mi Rincón de Miniaturas

Desde hace días me he sentido atraída por la Comunidad de Hive Collectors, bien llevada por su administradora , @mipiano, con sus temas interesantes de concursos, en esta ocasión sobre los peluches y dedicada a todos los fans coleccionistas. Como siempre, HIve es una ventana abierta, donde hay cavidad, para que todos nos sintamos identificados. Y hoy he querido atreverme a participar, dando este paso con una colección de miniaturas.

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A hobby that I have enjoyed for many years, as well as others that are also my hobby. This first time, I bring you some miniatures that were given to me, either as birthday gifts or have been acquired because I bought them. I tell you, I once worked in a financial institution, and the times I arrived very early, I walked to see the stores, to make time, one day I discovered a souvenir store that had the most beautiful, delicate and curious objects. Every time I had the opportunity, I stopped to detail everything that was in the window and in this way I discovered those miniatures made with great perfection, from that moment I wanted to have them all.

Un hobby que me ha gustado desde hace muchos años, así como otros que también son mi pasatiempo. Esta primera vez, les traigo algunas miniaturas que me fueron regaladas, ya sea por obsequios de cumpleaños o han sido adquiridas porque las he comprado. Les cuento, en una oportunidad trabajaba en una entidad financiera, y las veces que llegaba muy temprano, caminaba para ver las tiendas, para hacer tiempo, un día descubrí una tienda de souvenir que tenía los objetos más lindos, delicados y curioso. Cada vez que tenía la oportunidad, me detenía a detallar todo lo que se encontraba en la vidriera y de esta forma descubrí, esas miniaturas hechas con mucha perfección, desde ese momento quería tenerlas todas.


I had that illusion, until every last of each month I got a piece. Also over time, my friends, co-workers and family and a lover were giving me gifts for different reasons. In this way I managed to have my collection. I show you the cups and teapots, given to me by my sister, the Chinese cups by a sister-in-law, and the smallest dishes and bowls, I acquired them myself, the Hello Kitty sewing box, belonged to a little niece who is already a woman, I made her the thread spools.

Tenía esa ilusión, hasta que cada último de cada mes obtenía una pieza. También con el tiempo, mis amigos, compañeros de trabajo y familiares y un enamorado me fueron regalando por diferentes motivos. De esta manera conseguí tener mi colección. Les muestro la vajilla de tazas con sus teteras, me las regalo mi hermana, las tazas chinas una cuñada, y las vajillas más pequeñitas, y los pocillos, las adquirí yo, el costurero de Hello Kitty, era de una sobrinita que ya es una mujer, yo le hice los carreticos de hilo.



The tea sets and golden wine glasses, the heart and the rocking chair, friends and little friends.

Los juegos de té y copitas de vino doradas, el corazón y la mecedora, amigos y amiguitos.


Different friends, co-workers, from time to time would bring me a present and other little animals, the little bottle and the pyramid, the tobo, the doll, always someone would surprise me.

Distintas amigas, compañeras de trabajo, de vez en cuando me llevaban un presente y demás animalitos, la botellita y la pirámide, el tobo, muñequito, siempre alguien me sorprendía.


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The doggy was made for me by a dear friend, when we were doing a beading course, and the domino game was given to me by a co-worker on a birthday, it brought back to my memory the domino games with my brothers, I learned many games of boys with them, The card games were a gift from my husband, I saw them in a store in Margarita Island on a trip we made, I was fascinated, it made me remember the afternoons with my great aunt, who loved to play cards, at coffee time, around four o'clock in the afternoon and we always sat four of us to play fall, a classic Spanish card game. And this little dice of my son's was born.

El perrito me lo hizo una querida amiga, cuando estábamos haciendo un curso de pedrería, y el juego de dominó me lo regalo una compañera de trabajo en un cumpleaños, me trago a la memoria los juegos de dominó con mis hermanos, aprendí muchos juegos de muchachos con ellos, los juegos de carta me los regalo mi esposo las vi en una tienda en la Isla de Margarita en un viaje que hicimos, quede fascinada, me hizo recordar las tardes con la tía abuela, que le encantaba jugar cartas, a la hora de tomar café, a eso de las cuatro de la tarde y siempre nos sentábamos cuatro a jugar caída, un clásico de juego con cartas españolas. Y se coleó este dadito de mi hijo.



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The flower pot was a gift from a neighbor; the images and religious objects are gifts from different people and some that I bought, the rosary, is older than matusalem. I bought the folding table, that same day I bought the small agenda, the vase I made it with clay, the little house that treasures all these memories, my father-in-law made it for me.

El macetero con las flores fue un regalo de una vecina; las imágenes y objetos religiosos son obsequios de diferentes personas y unas que compre, el rosario, tiene más años que matusalén. La mesita plegable la compré, ese mismo día la pequeña agenda, el florero lo hice con arcilla, la casita que atesora todos estos recuerdos, me la hizo mi suegro.








They were beautiful moments that caused me a lot of joy as I received them. I value them, because each person who gave me a detail in those moments, invested money and affection towards me. Many of them are gone, others we continue to share, I think this collection betrays the years. I say goodbye, a pleasure, and I hope you like it.

Fueron lindos momentos que me causaron mucha alegría a medida que los iba recibiendo. Los valoro, porque cada persona que me dio un detalle en esos momentos, invirtió dinero y cariño hacia mi persona. Muchas no están, otras seguimos compartiendo, creo que, esta colección delata los años. Me despido, un placer, y espero que sea de su agrado.




Hi there, @lanoican

Welcome to the community with this collection of miniatures. When you have a hobby and friends and family also contribute to it with gifts and attention then it is indeed a joy, right? The tiny figurines are very sweet, and how interesting is the wooden table with the sides that can be folded! ✨ And the tiny domino! 🥰 It's difficult to choose just one favourite item from your collection ;)

@mipiano Very grateful, to you, to the Community for the welcome, yes it is a charm when everyone joins in, without them it would be impossible. You are right it is very difficult to choose a piece, a hug.

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OMG, what a cutie, I love miniature things and you have a lovely collection 😍

The teapots with the cups and the house were my favorite, especially those cups, they look divine ❤️

It's nice when they know your tastes and give you what you like.

@elbuhito Thank you, yes I was lucky enough to be pampered and well I achieved a dream in minecraft. I'm glad you like it. Thank you very much.

Unique nice collection. :)

@hindavi Thank you, a hug.

Hi, welcome to this beautiful and interesting community. I liked your collection of miniatures, where art is molded to very small objects to express what surrounds us in the day to day. The little wooden table is my favorite with the golden tea and wine set. Thanks for sharing your collection.

Good morning, thank you very much for your warm welcome. As for the little table I would sit in the rocking chair, to savor the golden wine. With much respect and gratitude for your words.