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RE: A Not So Girly Collection Of Toys

in Hive Collectors4 months ago

Love this post and your not-so-girly collection! 😍

Haha, a gun lighter - cool actually. I think I had a short phase when I wished to have a small gun, not sure why as I was not a gamer 😂

Knives - really imposing to see, but I try to avoid them, just when I have to cook I have a knife in my hand (protecting my fingers - guess why :D)

Thank you for this collection, and welcome to the community. Any time and any collection - feel like at home 😇


Thank you! It means so much coming from you!
The passion of a pistol lighter came from smoking not gaming. The passion for knives was born from playing video games but as you said, I also try to hold these in my hands as little as possible for safety purposes lol 🤣