A Not So Girly Collection Of Toys


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Based on the community created by @mipiano a while ago, entitled quite suggestively as Hive Collectors I thought that I should finally bring my first contribution here, even though I have planned this for quite a while but didn't have enough time to set everything up as desired.

A funny thing is that back when I thought that I should create a community too which is Festival Mania I also had in mind to create one for collections but due to lack of time, I focused only on this one for now. Happily, @mipiano did a great job setting this up and there is no need to worry anymore that you don't have a dedicated place where to share your collections because obviously, now you have.

I have called myself a collector since I was a kid as I constantly collected stuff whether it was magazines, shells, semi-precious stones, dried roses, cards, or puzzles. These are, just a few of the collections I currently own as there are a lot more to talk about, but for my first post in this community, I thought about bringing one of my most recent passions discovered which is, collecting weapons, but mostly knives.

I know this is not a collection usually owned by a girl, but everything started from buying these as gifts either for my boyfriend or my father, slowly realizing how satisfying it is to hold one of these in your arms even if just for a few seconds since we don't really have occasions to use most of them. Actually, this passion might have been also influenced by the 6,000 hrs I have in the Counter-Strike games where you also own a knife in your virtual inventory (if you are a gamer, you might recognize some of these), but also by my endless desire to spend time in the wilderness of nature where owning an outdoors knife is a must.

But with no further introduction, let's take one by one each of these and find out its story!



This is obviously not a real pistol, but definitely, my first interaction ever with a weapon that happened very early in my youth when I was tasting the era of being cool while smoking, and some of my classmates had the same passion vice.

This was given as a Birthday gift from one of my classmates at that time based on the vice we all shared because the weapon is actually a lighter. Sadly, this ran out of gas many years ago, but the fire was coming out when pressing the trigger and made it pretty cool to light a cigarette.




The next toy was this Tactical Combat Karambit Knife which I first discovered in the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. While I quickly fell in love with its animation and weird look, my boyfriend was the one who actually bought one in the game and during a trip I had in my country I ran into a shop with tactical knives where I spotted this one.

I didn't think too much and bought one as a gift for him since I knew he would like to have one in real life. This along with all the other upcoming knives part of the collection are real and very sharp in comparison with the pistol shared first which is just a toy.


The next addition was the Survival Huntsman Knife also bought as a gift for my boyfriend but which is his favourite knife from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive so it was a must purchase.

This one is actually pretty often used for camping activities by many people but it turned out a real struggle to get one since there were very few sold in my country and all of them were just toys made of plastic, so I had to get one from a shop that was importing it from Poland.



Still in the same order with the Survival Huntsman Knife we received for free this tiny folding knife. At first, it seems very fragile but the blade is pretty sharp and the thing that it has a folding blade makes it a great accessory to have in the backpack during our trips.

It's not much and obviously, you can't do a lot of activities with it compared with the dedicated knives for outdoor/camping activities, but since we received it for free, I can't complain about it too much. I'm sure it will become handy when we least expect it.



The next addition is a Multitool Knife bought for my father as a gift. I had my eyes on this one since I found out about the website from Poland where this shop is importing all the cool knives but it took a while to be added back in stock and get my hands on it.

Its functions are not as many as other similar knives have but I love the thing that it has such a powerful and big blade along with the pliers that I didn't see being attached to a lot of multitools out there.

Another surprise was the screwdriver that you always need for more or less serious tasks in the house which comes with plenty of heads to replace based on your needs.


Next up is a Military Knife with a very strong sheath that also includes a compass. Sadly this one is not working well, but the blade is very sharp and strong and the other two accessories for starting a fire and sharpening the blade work perfectly.

This is actually the knife I'd pick for my outdoor experiences as it's the most suitable one for both camping and hunting.



And last but not least, there is the Rambo First Blood Part II Knife which was the most awaited addition to the collection as I love M9 Bayonets and my boyfriend is a big fan of the Rambo series. Sadly, the knife came with the biggest disappointment due to the rusty details on the blade and the signature of the Rambo character that can be found on the blade.

This is the single collector edition of the knives owned and it turned as a very unpleasant experience due to all the things mentioned before, but the thing that even the box was very damaged makes it even harder to watch. I will try to get rid of the rust covering the blade but not sure how I can repair the box as I would have loved to have the knife stored and displayed in this one.


Also, the blade is very sharp and there are some small rings on each of the spikes that I only noticed when taking the pictures for this post but I have no idea what are these used for. So if you are more familiar with blades and perhaps know the meaning of these, would love to find out more!


The sheath is made out of ecological leather and the bottom of the knife includes a window breaker which can be taken out and deposit all kinds of stuff inside the handle. What was included from the start was a small compass and a survival kit made out of gout, a bandage, and a needle.

That's all for now. Not sure how many items you need to can call it a collection but I definitely consider this a collection even if it's just at the beginning. What's for sure is that many more such 'toys' will become part of it as I already got my eyes on two more knives to purchase soon. But until then, I'm happy that I managed to put this post together and share a different passion of mine.

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Gabriela Travels is the FOUNDER of "Festival Mania" who started this community from the passion of attending various festivals and with the purpose of encouraging more people to explore festivals all around the world and share their experiences. At the same time, Gabriela is an independent Graphic Design Freelancer since 2019 completing over 600+ orders in this time and collaborating with various businesses and people from all over the globe. Additonally, Gabriela has her own corner on the internet since 2017 where she writes various articles for her blog, the most popular being the travel ones (260+ articles written on this field), but also abording other topics as well, like game reviews, movie and series reviews, photography posts, cooking recipes and more, boosting the total number of articles written to 550+ blog posts. Gabriela is also a gamer since she was 11 years old and gaming remains one of her biggest passions along with traveling, editing, cooking, and doing various sports activities.

~ @GabrielaTravels ~

Let's keep in touch:
Blog: http://gabrielastravels.wordpress.com/
YouTube Travel: https://www.youtube.com/@GabrielaTravels
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Instagram Gaming: https://www.instagram.com/doilupigaming/
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Holy shit! You went full Rambo killing machine with your collection. Thank God you are my friend and not an enemy. My favorite is the Huntsman, looks classy, old school. I could never have a proper Rambo knife, too big to carry around.

The huntsman is my favorite too! But yeah. Might end up getting a few more Rambo knives actually lol

Big knives are handy to chop wood logs to make fire.

Hi Gabriela it's my turn to visit you and meet you too; your collection is brutal, in fact it reminded me of my great friend @nahupuku, who I know will really enjoy seeing this.

I had a collectible gun very similar to the style of yours but with a longer barrel, those guns are very elegant and as decoration they are great, I really liked it a lot. And something that caught my attention is that you are Gamer and thanks to CS you have those cool knives that I remember perfectly.

Of the knives without a doubt, the Rambo one is a relic is super brutal, it is a great acquisition despite the small details that you comment with the rust, and the box.. damn, it really is beaten and we know that takes away a little more value to the piece, I do not know if you can get just the box by some shopping platform, because now with so much online collecting, even that could be found, I would not be surprised.

Greetings Gabriela, I enjoyed your post very much 🌹💖.... You Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

Hi there! Thank you for checking out my blog!

It's exciting to hear about your friend that might be interested into my post, as well as hearing that you are a gamer too! The Rambo knife is definitely the best out of the collection so far, and it even game me the idea of adding to the collection the other knives that popped in the movies which would be insane to have in the collection!

Have a lovely day! And thanks again for dropping by! 🙌

Lol yes I have a guns and knifes colection. A katana. A customized machete and a Lot of fun stuffs here. 3 Big Rambo knifes, a karambit knife too.
I have an smalls guns colection minireplicas. In the past I had a Big pirate guns colection @gabrielatravels but I had to Sell it
I used work at police and My dad and family was part of military, war héroes stuffs like that here. And they had a really insanely big guns and knifes and Blades colections, entire rooms. But when all of they pass away, wasnt to Smart have it because here in My country You can being jailed because that, in the terrorism Charges. So, I have to Sell it (My dad stuffs) some years ago when this "new" rules appears.
Amazing colection btw

I see and I totally understand your situation. Sorry for the collection to see gone but it makes sense to happen so!
Thank you for stopping by! Hope you have a lovely weekend :)

Im working for get a special force police permission to have it, its expensive but just this years im on that in The Defense Ministery area.
For You too ;)
in my instagram: @nahupuku I upload some photos with those stuffs with my edit madmax cyberpunk kind of freak things that I made :D

Cyberpunk? I literally play this game rn lol

Well I've never played it, but since I met that artistic genre studying arts in college I liked it and applied it to my life. In fact I had an industrial metal band fusing music styles like Rammstein, Depeche mode, Marilyn Manson, NIN around 2001 aprox and our clothes and aesthetic was cyberpunk and cybergoth.

Nice collection. Really got my mouth watering for one like that. I only have a bayonet and my Ikea knife collection (lol).

If I could have one I would also include a katana.

Best regards!

My cousin owns a katana and it's amazing!! Glad you got a bayonet. It's really a beautiful knife!
Best regards 💕

Love this post and your not-so-girly collection! 😍

Haha, a gun lighter - cool actually. I think I had a short phase when I wished to have a small gun, not sure why as I was not a gamer 😂

Knives - really imposing to see, but I try to avoid them, just when I have to cook I have a knife in my hand (protecting my fingers - guess why :D)

Thank you for this collection, and welcome to the community. Any time and any collection - feel like at home 😇

Thank you! It means so much coming from you!
The passion of a pistol lighter came from smoking not gaming. The passion for knives was born from playing video games but as you said, I also try to hold these in my hands as little as possible for safety purposes lol 🤣

I don't consider myself a collector but as strange as it may be, as a grown women, I too like your knives. I see them as survival tools. We have quite a collection of items for survival just in case including a few knives. I don't know what it is but I love it.

Thanks for sharing. Best wishes.

Woah! You have no idea how much I enjoy seeing other women collecting knives. I thought I'm some sort of weirdo but now I feel like we are all so unique! Would love to see your collection of knives one day. Best wishes 🙏🏻

That's very interesting collection✨

Thank you 😊👍🏻

Oh wow, these are amazing! I love knives, and have also collected a few, thought most of them are nowhere near as impressive as yours. Enjoyed getting to see your collection.


Happy to hear we have something in common! There are plenty of knives out there, each unique in its own way, I bet yours were pretty awesome too!

Nice little collection! The tiny pistol is awesome. I had a more modern gun-lighter wayyyy back when I was like... 15 or something. I love those things!

Lovely! It was so fun to press the trigger and see fire coming out of it!

Those are cool collections, though.. Ideal for hunting haha .

Indeed! Thank you for stopping by 👀

If I ever meet you I shall remind myself never to get into an argument with you
Sheesh, you are armed and dangerous!

Ahahaha. I never harmed anyone, don't worry! Despite the collection I have, I am very introvert and innocent, lol!

hmmmm! lol

I like all the weapon collection very much before i saw it only in Hollywood mission movies.

Hi Gabriela, what a great contribution you have brought to the community. Very nice knives with artistic designs. I really liked the Rambo for the quality it exhibits, the message of its box, its compass, a strong grip handle and its leather guard.
Also, the quality of the photos enhances the presentation. Thanks for the post.

Thank you for paying attention to the details and stopping by! Appreciate your time!