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RE: A Not So Girly Collection Of Toys

in Hive Collectors3 months ago

Lol yes I have a guns and knifes colection. A katana. A customized machete and a Lot of fun stuffs here. 3 Big Rambo knifes, a karambit knife too.
I have an smalls guns colection minireplicas. In the past I had a Big pirate guns colection @gabrielatravels but I had to Sell it
I used work at police and My dad and family was part of military, war héroes stuffs like that here. And they had a really insanely big guns and knifes and Blades colections, entire rooms. But when all of they pass away, wasnt to Smart have it because here in My country You can being jailed because that, in the terrorism Charges. So, I have to Sell it (My dad stuffs) some years ago when this "new" rules appears.
Amazing colection btw


I see and I totally understand your situation. Sorry for the collection to see gone but it makes sense to happen so!
Thank you for stopping by! Hope you have a lovely weekend :)

Im working for get a special force police permission to have it, its expensive but just this years im on that in The Defense Ministery area.
For You too ;)
in my instagram: @nahupuku I upload some photos with those stuffs with my edit madmax cyberpunk kind of freak things that I made :D

Cyberpunk? I literally play this game rn lol

Well I've never played it, but since I met that artistic genre studying arts in college I liked it and applied it to my life. In fact I had an industrial metal band fusing music styles like Rammstein, Depeche mode, Marilyn Manson, NIN around 2001 aprox and our clothes and aesthetic was cyberpunk and cybergoth.

Wow, that sounds at least interesting! Love the futurist look!

And My músic it's the same I built a homemade drumset like madmax and with cyber tech, from Zero to MIDI (and I use it for the posts) and for make soundtracks because it's like instrumental freak cyber metal