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RE: Caught myself craving the spotlight

in Cross Culture3 years ago

Dang, felt a pang of guilt, I see your posts and if I happen to check and scan, I just drop a vote. Sorry, plenty of stuff happening irl that makes my time to socialize on chain limited but anyone pinging me will always get the time. Votes aren't what you need but if my stake can give you the visibility boost to get more eyes why not?

I always found your stuff interesting as it has personality rather than a generic post. Personality is what you're selling and these are in the form of stories and insights from real life. I don't get bothered when there's a lack of engagement on my posts. Sometimes the content can just be taken as it is without a word. Like some visual arts where you get that ah... moment and then speak none of it but the impression, thought and feeling lingers after you saw it.

Just so you know, you may not be on the global trending page but you're always be trending on someone's feed.


Yooo there is absolutely no need for guilt, although I understand. I am constantly fighting with that guilt because there are lots of people who I appreciate so much here and I don't let them know enough, even when they sometimes let me know.

We live in an age of overwhelming variety and stimuli. We are still figuring out how to adapt to it.

No pressure to comment, or even read. Just letting you know that I've appreciated your presence here!