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RE: Caught myself craving the spotlight

in Cross Culture3 years ago

There's a style to how you write - you express yourself genuinely and in most cases, it touches on important areas of a person's life. This was what drew me to your posts and consequently, an avid fan! 😄

I pay attention to what others do not, and I can express my findings well enough.

I believe this is one of the best way to reach people. In paying attention, you rub off on people (like you rightly noted) and people rub off on you. This is what I appreciate about blogging on hive - the genuine engagements. This is how we influence and change the world around us.

I remember engaging with a brilliant photographer on hive in the comment section and he told me, "...its all about finding your own audience." I think he's right.

It's okay to pursue success alongside but doing your own thing at your own pace will bring you into the spotlight, whether or not you want it!

I appreciate the mention. Thank you. 😊


“Finding your audience”. You would have inspired my next post with this one but I was already planning on writing about this. Do you know Seth Godin? I’ve mentioned him before but he’s definitely been an influence on the way I think about business and marketing. I still don’t like this word marketing but his definition of marketing, I like. He says….well I’ll share that tomorrow!

We are on the same wavelength 😉. Thank you so much for all your support,

Hehe, we are certainly on the same wavelength! I love Seth Godin...I read some of his text shared by ShadowsPub in her email to me and I wrote on it.

Since then, I subscribed to his emails and YouTube videos. The man is full or wisdom and an inspiration!

I remember reading that but I think I forgot it was you!
I didn't know he had a youtube channel. I know he writes a blog, I will check it out.
I do disagree with him on authenticity though 😆 sometimes.