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RE: Sex & Crypto - Ep. 2

in Threespeak2 years ago (edited)

sex and crypto, its funny because crypto is full of nerd men who are disproportionately starved of sex compared to other men with fiat money .... but that I'm sure is slowly changing.. for now... however when the market crashes.... i bet theers a direct correlation to men in crypto not getting laid lol

Women have a huge opportunity to secretly take over crypto and use male accounts, anonymous accounts, masquerade as anonymous developers people assume are male... hah thatd be a cool movie, get a bunch of female satoshi style characters to reveal just their gender but not identity .. and then people realize the marketcap of crypto is realized to be more female owned than male ... lol then a ghost in the shell donna horroway cyberpunk world really begins

i hope to one day harness the power of blockchain hive community and hive engine tools to work out details for @ddate on hive to create an okcupid/tinder style dating dapp that also has a curation based match making system
