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RE: Fulltimegeek Rambles #1 / GOOD WORLD ORDER UPDATE #2

in Threespeak3 years ago

People still like to say that we are running out of room, yet they can drive miles sometimes with out seeing another car or building.

Dolly the sheep, she had kids, those kids had kids, the line continues. Covid vaccine has side effects, the elite are not worried about the potential fertility crash, because they can clone what ever mother they want and have viable offspring.


I know right?! It's like they've never gone on a road trip in their entire lives.

You're absolutely right about the illumiNutty being able to reproduce through certain types of cloning (eg. replication cloning). Dolly the sheep is an excellent example. Thank you for sharing that and taking the time to watch the video!

It will be interesting to see what comes of the woolly mammoth cloning they want to try from real old tissue.

Bashadow for the win as usual 😁