in Threespeak8 months ago (edited)


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Day 13 of country wide protests. A political stale mate. Guatemala is facing a moment where its people voted for an Anti Corruption president, now after and overwhelming victory, that presidents right to take office is being threatened.
The poeple are having none of it.
People have taken to the streets and have been cauing nationwide blockades. No movement of supplies, No Business as usual. The people United, can never be devided!
The police came in to breakup the blockades. The people held there ground. The military came in to breakup the blockades. The people held there ground.
The effect has been. Supplies have been dwindling. banks with no money, ATM's the same, food pricing doubled, no gas in gas stations, no gas bottles for cooking. As store shelves dwindle, the everyday folks wait and pray for a resolution and a return to normalcy.
Yesterday a half day of Amnesty was given and some essential goods were let in. A rumor spread that the ATM's would soon get money and the lines started up.
The bonus about this town is that there are over 20 stores and resteraunts accepting ligtning network Bitcoin. And you know what that means if you are a #hiveian ... V4V coming to the rescue. Turning your hard earned HBD into intant lightning network BTC.

Join us today as my daughter and i go out for Breakfast and spend HBD. In a time when fiat is not making into the hands of the people, bless the Hive blockchain and V4V for making it possible to still have a meal.

special thanks to @brianoflondon for creating V4V and providing options for me and my family.

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It is awesome that you have so many businesses accepting Lightening BTC @buttcoins... especially considering the current circumstances in Guatemala.

I wish we had even one place where I live, but the UK government are currently trying their best to shit all over any access to crypto 😂 Makes me laugh as they're fighting a losing battle tbh.

I'm glad you have got onto V4V app as when you asked me about how to buy hive a while ago I msg'd you on Discord basically saying V4V was the way to go for either buying or selling hive/BTC or Btc/Hive, non-KYC.

I hope you're doing well and things are improving for all the people in Guatemala 👍

Yeah M8,
Thanks for that tip on V4V
It’s been a big help
Agreed, it’s funny how the mainstream countries don’t have places to spend crypto, but yet in places far flung like Guatemala there are spots!

Love this!

Dear @brianoflondon ,
could you please have a look to my comment on @v4vapp missed transaction:

Sorry about that looking into it, digging into logs.

Thanks friend, let me know if you need anything else from me

Something went wrong on the lightning side and my automated system didn't cope properly. I've manually refunded.

Normally I see this happening but something about this broke my alter system. Always good to let me know if something doesn't complete in a minute or so!

Actually, it was weird this time, I saw for about 3 or 4 minutes how the the message window was telling waiting for "Ligning reply transaction" so I thought it was like node confirmation or so, and then, suddenly a message of "Error" appeared closing the transaction...

It's hard to explain but the web site you're using has no direct connection to the system which actually pays lightning invoices. Sending Hive is the only way that system knows to do something. As a result I can't really communicate back except via a transfer of Hive.

Lightning can fail in a zillion ways and I've tried to account for them all, every now and then it fails in a different way! Anyway as soon as I know about it, I can fix it.

I will try again later and will let you know if it fails again, ok?

Looks like it's going through right now 😎

!giphy great

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