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RE: The SpkNetwork Team Is Working For You

in Threespeak3 years ago

I watched your vid and it's pretty exciting. I'm low on hive. I'm wondering if HBD would count or any hive on hive-engine or an exchange. I need to get my house in order lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You would need to make sure your tokens are on chain (in your wallet). If you want access to the claimdrop.

Lol... I asked this last week!

There's no consideration for HBD at this moment nor has there been any mention of it that I'm aware of. The info I've gotten suggests HBD will need to be converted if we want it to count.

thanks. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for when this may take place and I'll convert.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m pretty sure that’s my plan, too, since I wanna keep hbd in savings or liquidity pools until then but I imagine the price will be impacted when everyone starts converting so I’m undecided which hit I want to take.

true. I don't have much so it won't really matter on my end. I always make the wrong hive moves. I'm known for it lol

Lol. I'm likely more known for lunacy that always making the wrong move, but I make my share and it's all good. Just being here is the right move that balances all the wrong moves I make here. 😁

This place is magical like that.