
Don't go gettin me twisted for someone that knows what meters and kilometers are. I'm from that American public schooling hypocrisy. Not only is your verbiage different than mine but don't expect me to know what ocean surrounds New Zealand or what your country flag is either!

I found a couple straight down type tracks to film before we leave this area. Just gotta wait til Pura will drive me up and down. She gets kinda pissed each time I ask her which means she's 'almost' there. Thanks for checkin this one out Frot, I appreciate you keeping an eye on me.

It's funny, I just mentioned the same thing to @riverflows about our antiquated form of measurement.
I do believe we are the only country that doesn't use the metric system.
I don't know if you read the blog by the lady mentioned above about the hike she took with her parents. Inspirational for someone of my age. If you have missed it, I recommend you stop by, @dandays.

Headed there now. Don't even get me goin about we're the only country to....

While we're both on, I've got a ? to ask you. Never mind I'll save the ? for another day.

It's time to farm, talk later buddy!

Deal! I'm glad you returned cuz I didn't thank you for the reblog and I feel about this big when I do that. Have a great day sir.

'Thank you'

You're welcome and many thanks when you do the same!