12/22/22! Thursday AM Market (SilverGoldStacker&Leofinance) Vlog 🎙️🎸Then Some DailyJams! Ramones!

in Threespeaklast year (edited)


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Thursday Morning Market Vlog ⬆️


DailyJams for 12/22/22! ⬇️




A rad cover of the same songs by Mikey & His Uke is below for a bonus if I dig the tunes!
I really enjoy these covers ⬇️


check at Mikey here ⬇️



Check my comment on David’s page. Side bet offer :)

You received an upvote of 42% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

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Exchanged from Dogecoin, I do use LTC to buy my gold and silver.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I also think the Fed will continue with higher rates and they will only push things down when things start to break. The economy is definitely not in a great shape and it doesn't look like anything is that great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello @geneeverett thank you for the Ramones song Bonzo Goes To Bitburg.

It's has a nice upbeat!



Posted via Veews

I will watch your full video. Thanks for sharing this valuable review about gold and silver prices.

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