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RE: New Adventuuuuuure

in Threespeak3 years ago (edited)

That makes perfect sense! I've heard (seen) it said that it doesn't make sense if people withdraw their profits.

To a certain degree, I do agree...(wow, now I'm becoming poetic, it is good (and necessary) to protect your profits. But we also need to be able to enjoy some of it. What is the sense in working hard, and never being able to enjoy what you have worked for?

Enjoy the flight and the visit!!


exactly! so many people spend their whole life saving.

and I never realized how funny that is.

so they don't spend their money... they spend their LIVES.

think about that one!!!!!

so they don't spend their money... they spend their LIVES.

That's a good way to put it!

Yes, think about that one indeed!!!!