I am more alive than ever # 7 happy to be in the hive harvesting my vegetables.

in Threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Buenos días Estimados amigos de la colmena. Estoy agradecido por participar en este genial reto creado por:  @flaxz . #IAmAliveChallenge . #hivelsalive. Estoy vivo y les quiero mostrar las satisfacciones que nos regala la huerta.

Fuente: Álbum Familiar

Good morning Dear friends of the hive. I am grateful for participating in this great challenge created by:  @flaxz. #IAmAliveChallenge. #hivelsalive. I am alive and I want to show you the satisfactions that the garden gives us.

Cada día amo más estar en la huerta, trabajar allí me regala muchas satisfacciones, una de ellas es poder consumir lo que con mucho sacrificio cultivaron mis manos.

Every day I love being in the garden more, working there gives me many satisfactions, one of them is being able to consume what my hands cultivated with a lot of sacrifice.

La cebollita no puede faltar en sus cultivos, estas se multiplican y en pocos meses verán cómo se triplican sus plantas. Anímate a sembrar esta verdura. Feliz día de la familia y que tengan una prospera semana.

The onion can not miss in their crops, they multiply and in a few months they will see how their plants triple. Dare to plant this vegetable. Happy family day and have a prosperous week.


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Hello my best friend @jlufer! You are very diligent in gardening, of course your planting results are very good because you manage well and are very correct with agricultural procedures. Thank you for sharing helpful tips for everyone, hope your days are always fun ....

Hello dear friend @ashaf
Thank you very much for appreciating our work in the garden.
I wish you a beautiful afternoon


#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward