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RE: Socialization: The Internet's Appeal

in Threespeak11 months ago (edited)

Impressive....i love your unusual approach to the new Era socialization we're experiencing. One of the evolutional implications social medias as brought is stealing away true friendship or I rather call it platonic relationship, people now get into depression and strong emotional disaster because everyone believes meeting or sharing problems with the other person might devalued his/her personality. This started with the influencers, according to alot of valid research. As a matter of fact it doesn't only effect being convivial but also reform humans into addicted creatures devoid of emotion and compassion for others.

Like you have legimately give a balance in your approach letting us know there's good and bad side of it. Nice video @josediccus .


Nice read josediccus

Yes, thanks for watching. Well, you've summarized everything, this isn't to say social media cannot form useful bonds. Just like I mentioned in the video I talked about the difference in socialization from when I was younger till now and while it has become sophisticatedly good, sometimes it takes away that little genuinety. I talked about the fact that we cannot fix everything with technology because people takes advantage of things with even good objectives to showcase that our creation can mostly be flawed. Thank you for coming through.

Yeah, that's true..... It can engender connections but I doubt it's platonic. Thanks and have wonderful Sunday.