Socialization: The Internet's Appeal

in Threespeak11 months ago

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Socialization: The Internet’s Appeal


In this video, I talked about the agents of socialization and how they seem to have lost their potency due to the emergence, development, and sophistication of the internet. I talked about the Nigerian cultural setting and how people in one social background found it easy to establish closer bonds or relationships in the past.

I talked about my life as a toddler and as an adult and how people now lean closer to social spaces to meet their needs for socialization. I talked about how this current generation is living the lone syndrome.

Being more influential on the internet and having almost no physical presence. I talked about how my generation has slowly become digitized and how this digitization has led people to live in their separate worlds.

I talked about the appeal to be more relevant in social spaces and how people camouflage their real-life issues with the life they live on the internet. The closure they get from having no one to judge them and how this creates bigger avenues for psychological issues like depression.

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I think there are a lot of people who are looking for people who are looking for self-validation and that is where social media comes in. It has made things easier on that end and people have started to rely on that. I think it's a bad thing though because it's much better to do things that you want to do rather than having to rely on others.

I think we can agree that social media gives a certain type of validation and sadly sometimes, it doesn't tally with real world situations. It's not bad to rely on others per se, but sometimes, I just feel people can do better on their own

Yes. I feel that people can do better on their own and if they have the motivation to do better.

Impressive....i love your unusual approach to the new Era socialization we're experiencing. One of the evolutional implications social medias as brought is stealing away true friendship or I rather call it platonic relationship, people now get into depression and strong emotional disaster because everyone believes meeting or sharing problems with the other person might devalued his/her personality. This started with the influencers, according to alot of valid research. As a matter of fact it doesn't only effect being convivial but also reform humans into addicted creatures devoid of emotion and compassion for others.

Like you have legimately give a balance in your approach letting us know there's good and bad side of it. Nice video @josediccus .

Nice read josediccus

Yes, thanks for watching. Well, you've summarized everything, this isn't to say social media cannot form useful bonds. Just like I mentioned in the video I talked about the difference in socialization from when I was younger till now and while it has become sophisticatedly good, sometimes it takes away that little genuinety. I talked about the fact that we cannot fix everything with technology because people takes advantage of things with even good objectives to showcase that our creation can mostly be flawed. Thank you for coming through.

Yeah, that's true..... It can engender connections but I doubt it's platonic. Thanks and have wonderful Sunday.

It's the same over here too, especially in the old days. People were much appreciative of personal social interactions in which they could talk about a lot of things freely with other people. I think there was much intrinsic value and a level of depth in these type of situations.

Nowadays, I think the internet has made us more selective in who we choose to interact with and the type of feedback we would like to get. But this often brings the tendency to close off from the bigger world and trying to fight our battles alone. For me, I still default more to the old form of socialization. But I mostly switch between the old and new forms of socialization.

Hence the saying “the happiest people are usually the saddest”.

I usually talk out to myself whenever I have issues I do not want to tell anyone about because I do not want their judge or half baked solutions. I admire your relatability to these issues.
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Social media is really just a big facade. A place where we come to to put on the masks we want to be identified as at different points. The only way to know what peoples’ realities are outside of the pictures, captions and blogs is to really know them outside the public stunts.

I used to have that problem of entitlements to people’s attention too. Now, I just realize that everyone has their own shit to handle and so should I. Sometimes you look at the problems you’re dealing with without people knowing and you wonder what they might be dealing with when they’re offline too.

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