You have to succeed first, then you have to answer

in Threespeak4 years ago

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There are many obstacles in our way of life, whether in real life or in virtual life.We often get depressed about it and can't figure out what to do, but I was a little worried about it. I finally came to some conclusions that I can apply in my life now that I'm better mentally Am and away from these extra hassles.First of all, you have to remember that when you move towards your goal, there will be various adversities. That's right. Because when you stick to your goal, the people around you will criticize you. You can't be criticized and you have to try to move on. They will try to get you out of depression mentally because people in this world never want good people but there are some people who try to give good advice to people and make some good comments but this number is very insignificant.You too will have a good time and you will have time to respond to their criticism but remember you have to be successful first then they will be ashamed of themselves after seeing your success.So my only advice is to set your goal first and then succeed in life then you can respond to criticism.Try to be silent for now and try to concentrate on your work, one day you too will come and wait for that day.So be patient and wait and try to succeed.And try to focus on your work without looking at people's extra criticism, then you will succeed.

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Success is the summation of some failures- I can't recall who told it, but the statement I liked. It is the only way to answer others in best way is to keep silent. You have mentioned it in this video. And whenever anybody will be successful, than everyone will praise to him. So obstacles are nothing but the inspirations for the proactive persons to go ahead.

thanks for your positive compliment gentleman.

It is true that we face many adversities in our lives, although many of us are frustrated by them. But I think having obstacles gives us a chance to be emotionally strong and identify our own weaknesses. So obstacles not only hinder us but also play a role in increasing our capacity.

thanks for through kind words and also thanks for watching.

I like your words. In fact, there are some people around us who can't stand the good of others. So I also think, first you have to be successful in life, then you have to respond to those who have criticized you.

thanks for your nice compliment.

From my own experiences and observing my life situation closely, I feel because of obstacles, I have learned many things and took lessons for life. Obstacles are important to realize life situations and to become more mature. Success is not easy to achieve and without obstacles, we will never be able to taste the real meaning of success...

it's one of the motivational blogs. You explained nicely about the obstacles of life and what I love most from your blog is they will be ashamed of them for their negative attitude on the day of success

thanks for your compliment gentleman ☺

Somossa ase bolei amader jibone purnota royeche, somossa ase bolei sofolota eto dami vaiya.

thanks for your positive compliment.