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RE: Hive Music Festival, Week 7, Round 1 - Phrygian Dreams (Original Guitar Solo Part 1 & 2!)

in Threespeaklast year (edited)

Ok, I made it to the presentation of my star guitarist!!! I know I already congratulated you for being one of the winners in the last round but, I must do it again because look at the excellent work you are doing and you have earned that award!

Excellent, I look forward to hearing much more from you. Don't let your guard down, keep giving your best in every presentation!

Blessings my friend, a hug!

pd: you cut my inspiration with that ending jajajaja


Oh yes! I'm so glad you made it!:) thanks so much for the congratulations, it means a lot to me!:) I'm so happy I can share my playing here and that you enjoy it!

Thank you for the continued support and encouragement :) I will keep on uploading guitar videos and growing! Blessings to you my friend :)