A Week in the Life of a Marketing Intern: Week 8 Chronicles

Hello, my dear Hivers! Here I am again for another blog content. How's your weekend been? I hope you all were able to recuperate as much as possible so you'll be energy- ready to tackle the personal duties & responsibilities for the weekdays. Anyway, the blog that I am going to share today is another week in my life as a marketing intern. Should we get started?








For this week, we are in full swing in making marketing materials. For our task, we were assigned to create marketing content for specific property listings of the company. Me and @aisamarie were partnered to focus on the Lot for sale in Cavite & Davao. I've never been to these amazing locations, so in order to better create informative & amazing content —Google is our best friend for this round. For editing, Canva is what we only need. I'm no graphic artist to do all the creative touches but I did try my best to put the best designs to fit for the marketing materials that we are making. The same goes to my co-interns, they are also well-focused on their assigned tasks. The photos above already speak volumes of how determined they are to produce great marketing contents.





We were all in full force as well for the content creation. We'd shoot for a particular video intended for the FB reels. With this task, it made me realize that the process of creating content is not easy. It takes creativity, collaboration and should I forget —equipment ready. And the most important above all—we are happy with what we're doing. Look at the laughs and the bonding moment we had created through this task. After the shoot, we made sure to delegate the task for the video editing and of course —we had it posted on the company's official Facebook page.







For this week's site visit, we had the chance to come along together with the office staff to visit some properties on sale particularly in —Midori Plains & City Homes Minglanilla. As always, we took some photos and videos for the creation of our marketing materials. Look at the boys! They did better on using the drones—a big thank you to them. It was also really hot when we did all the shoot but it's okay—we were born to be ready—sunscreen & umbrella got us! We also shoot a couple of TikTok videos and make the house for sale as our background. See?—that's how marketing works nowadays. The house construction in both of the subdivision units is such a dream….. Hopefully when I get to visit it soon—I'll be choosing my own house already. Who knows? Let's just keep it like that….




For this week, we had the PKS in our office. It's also our first time to have this kind of set-up because usually we will be the ones to come to their office. So, our company's accredited partner is Golden Haven. As usual, the representative had her through explanation and presentation about the company and what they are offering. It was really nice to know some of that info plus the speaker was so eloquent. We've learned so much on this PKS—Next Up— the creation of marketing materials!


It's a wrap! I've learned, enjoyed and amazed with all the happenings we had on the 8th Week. Also, let me just add, I did not include the 7th Week since we only had spent two days in the office due to holy week—but I bounced back on this week. Anyway, I know a lot of amazing experiences are waiting for us in the next coming weeks! I guess it’s safe to say that my heart is always pumped with excitement!

That's what I've got for today, my dear Hivers! I hope you enjoyed reading my internship journeys through reading this blog. Until next time!


So very grateful to attend another PKS @maryjolly

We can't wait to attend moreeee @aisamarie !🤗

It is good to attend a seminar because it will also help you to gain new knowledge

I couldn't agree more, @queeniemary. Anyway thanks for stopping by!🤗

You're doing good a very great job guyss, stay safe always and stay hydrated okayy🤗

You too, @digdeeper2 ! Miss youu already. We're all rooting for youuuu😘

your marketing group looks fun, i love it

Yesss my team are so cool too. They are just so comfortable to be around with. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my blog @joeyarnoldvn !🤗

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Thank you, @hivebuzz !🤗

All good @maryjolly! You're a true Hive champion! Onward to that new goal!

BTW, we noticed we miss your support for our proposal. Mays we ask you to check it out and consider supporting it?
All you need to do is to click on the "support" button on this page: https://peakd.com/proposals/248.
Thank you!

That's what technology can help us especially in marketing strategies. It's really different from the past. Seminars are really helpful tho. ☺️ Keep up the nice job.