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RE: Who Are You Becoming? (Abundance.Tribe BiWeekly Question)

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

This is what most people need to focus on. A lot of people should put effort into doing what they want and not what people expect of them

I always use this analogy that if everyone enters a pit what happens is that everyone struggles to come out not caring about the next person. The funny thing is that when a person comes out he won't offer a hand immediately instead he will go and get a ladder so he doesn't fall again. This means I should think of myself first, call it selfish I don't care.
Cool post.

Keep being focused...


Wonderful comment my friend. Basically, it's all about being aware. Being focused makes us aware of the situation. It puts the spotlight on us and as a result of this, we're wiser than we were. I love your analogy it proves that if we're not Cognisant of ourselves, we can't be Cognisant of someone else.