I Failed Science So Why Am I Writing About Energy?

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago (edited)

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Everything is energy.

And energy is always moving.

I didn't understand this for a long time. If everything is energy, that means my coffee table is. But how can my coffee table be moving? I'm sitting there with my feet on it and it's totally still. So HOW can it be energy?

@ryzeonline and I were having lunch one day when this subject came up.

I wanted to understand more about energy and manifestation. I can't remember the question that started it but he answered "It's all about your energy." And I said, "I was taught that energy is always moving but...how is the table energy? It's just sitting here."

Jay went on to explain the more science-y concept of energy and matter that I won't get into because frankly, science bores me.

Instead, I wanna talk about energy in a different way, the way I understand it.

It's not all that science-y, but hopefully, it will make sense to you.

Energy is in all things, even those that aren't alive.

Everything’s made up of atoms, and atoms have energy.

My wood table has wood atoms that were once a tree. So does the energy in the wood atoms disappear when the tree is cut down? No. Are the atoms still moving? Yes. So when the tree gets processed into the table, did the atoms change their nature? No, they just were changed into a different shape.

I asked Jay “If I put the table under a crazy, powerful (electron) microscope would I see movement?” He said, “Yes, but the atoms would are more like ‘vibrating’ and not really moving around because they don't have much space.”

He also used the example of water. Does water move? Yes, it does. Then he asked me if we put water in the freezer does it destroy the atoms? No, the freezer just slows them down, big time. I again asked the microscope question. And he said yes again...I'd be able to see the vibration of the atoms in the water.

The same goes for steam. Condensing steam down to water slows the vibration of its atoms. Just like freezing the water into ice slows down the movement of its atoms. Ok, I was finally understanding.

Why was I asking Jay about all this when science bores me?

Because I knew I needed to learn a few basics of matter and energy if I wanted to understand what Jay means when he says "It's all energy."

You can ask him a question and 99.9% of the time his answer will be... "because it's all about energy".

  • Can I grow my business fast? "Yes. It's about your energy."
  • Can I change my appearance? "Yes, It's about your energy."
  • Can I heal my sexual, childhood trauma? "Yes, It's about your energy."
  • Can I cook better? "Yes, It's about your energy."
  • Will my son ever stop being dramatic and listen to me? "Yes, It's about your energy."
  • Can I make more money fast enough before we move so we can live in my dream condo?"Yes, It's about your energy."
  • "Will Hive succeed and onboard millions of people? "Yes, it can but it's about yours (and the collective's) energy.

Of course, there are nuances to each answer but they all start with energy. Mine. Yours. Ours.

Soooo, whenever I ask Jay about manifesting using the law of attraction he also answers with..."It's about your energy."

And this is the heart of the matter. Because I NEED to understand what energy is (and why Jay always talks about it) so that I can manifest things faster and better.

So our conversation moved on to manifestation.

To ‘manifest’ something means to make it solid, or ‘real.’ It could be an experience or an actual ‘thing.’ But we're going to call anything we manifest a ‘solid’ for the rest of my post.

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Jay said that some desires we have are like steam, intangible, and we're unable to hold it in our hands. Others are like liquid, kind of mixed, we can get a feel for them, but can’t actually grasp them. And some of our desires get ‘realized’, into a ‘solid’ or ‘real’ tangible form we can experience.

Let’s look at one of my desires.

I had a desire for thicker, darker hair. When I first had this desire it was in a "steam state" because it was a high-vibration of imagination, not the lower vibration of something ‘real.’ I couldn't touch it or see it when I looked in the mirror. It felt far away for me, but... it did feel doable. Desires that feel ‘doable’ have a higher chance of being realized. They’re kind of a ‘cool steam’, ready to become more tangible. Ready to condense into water.

Anyway, as I started to improve my beliefs and feelings about having thicker, darker hair, it went from being a “steam desire” to being a "water dream."

Meaning, I had practiced a little bit. What do I mean by ‘a bit?’ Well, I thought about it once in a while, but I didn't put enough intensity into my feelings or thoughts about it. Still, my hair WAS getting a bit thicker and darker. I saw some results. So it had gone from the “steam state” to a “water state.” But just like water, I could touch it, yet it still slipped through my fingers.

To make it real (a 'solid piece of ice'), I had to be better at my energy practice. I had to put feeling and intensity into my beliefs about this topic. I had to BELIEVE it was done. I had to lift my energy about this topic to epic heights.

As I got better at raising my energy, the dream of having thicker, darker hair turned to 'slush'. It wasn't quite ‘frozen and real’ but it was 'slushy' and getting there. It didn't take too long either. The more I practiced raising my vibration about my hair, the faster it thickened and darkened.

I was encouraged, so I kept at it. One day I looked in the mirror and noticed my 'slushy' dream had turned to ice. I wasn't surprised because it made perfect sense to me, but I was happy because something I knew happened had been realized!. My desire for thicker, darker hair which began as a ‘steam dream’ had become 'solid ice' because of my belief and my practice at raising my energy about it.

It wasn't hard.

It was actually simple to do. I just put FEELING into my thoughts and believed it would happen. Easy peasy. (There are nuances though, and I’ll be doing a separate post on how to do this exactly.)

So there you have it, how I took my fast-vibing ‘steam dream’ for my hair, and turned it into a solid, tangible reality.

But some of my dreams weren't as easy. Some of them weren’t just steam, they were blazing hot vapor. I had trauma surrounding a lot of other things I wanted to manifest.

For example, I want an hourglass-shaped body. It's been my dream since I was a child.

But I had a lot of sexual trauma that kept me fat for many years. I hated the attention men gave me. I hated the thought that I might be hurt again so I put on weight to protect myself. I judged other women. And more.

All my anxiety about it made my hourglass dream into a blazing hot 'steam state.' And I started believing it was a permanent steam state because of all my negative emotions about my body.

Jay asked me "Is it easier to compress cold air or hot steam into water"?

Wait, what?

"What takes more energy? Compressing a fiery hot gas into a liquid, then compressing that liquid, then into a solid? Or compressing already chilled air from a freezer into a liquid, then into a solid?"

https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/does-hot-air-require-more-work-to-compress-than-cold-air.369289/ & https://www.quora.com/Why-does-compressing-hot-air-take-more-work-than-compressing-cold-air

Are You Cool Enough For Your Dreams.jpeg

Oh, it takes less energy & effort to compress cool air into water.

I got the picture. The topic of ‘my dream body’ was basically ‘hot kettle steam and I was having a hell of a time turning that ‘steam dream’ into ‘water’ (let alone ‘ice’) because I allowed my trauma triggers & responses to keep it that way.

I was desperately holding onto the negative emotions about my body and negative feelings about men looking at me. This guaranteed that there was no way that ‘steam’ could turn to ‘water.’

The solution? I had to put a lot more time, happy thoughts, good feelings, and intensity into this dream before it could be realized into ice.

It doesn't have to be this hard, but for me, this topic had so much fiery emotional trauma around it, so it took longer.

But, little by little, that super hot steam turned to water.

But... it stayed water for longer than I liked. I had stalled in my body progress. But one day I realized why it was taking so long for it to become ‘ice.’

I was still angry at the people who played a role in my trauma.

I was still blaming them. I was blaming my parents for not protecting me. I was holding tight to my weight (I had already lost about 100lbs, but then I plateaued, unable to lose more and frustrated that one of my biggest dreams was still slipping through my fingers like water.)

I kept thinking about why it was so hard for me to lose weight. And you know what I got for these (admittedly lame) thoughts? It remained difficult for me to lose weight.

  • I changed my diet and nothing.
  • I worked out and nothing.
  • I ate less and nothing.

Then Jay reminded me that I was holding onto something. I wasn’t aware of it at the time but I was still so angry and hurt. I couldn't change that steam into water until I practiced the way I had with my hair. Was I practicing? Was I having happy thoughts about my body, humanity, the world?


I was having angry thoughts about the people who had hurt me, which led to me holding onto weight, like a heavy, physical armor. But why was I able to lose as much as I had initially? Because I had practiced some positive beliefs. I had practiced getting my dream to go from steam to water. But I wasn't practicing enough to turn the water into ice.

My energy about transforming my body was quite low, still. I’d look at Instagram models and feel jealous. I’d think about Jay's ex and feel jealous. I’d think about not having what I wanted and be angry.

All thoughts and attitudes that are far from compressing my dream body from my imagination into a real experience.

I wanted to make my dream real. I knew how. But I was still scared to dedicate enough time and practice to it. I was afraid to admit my own deep-seated beliefs and attitudes. And the energy of fear kills dreams. I knew I had to buckle down, stop blaming others, and do the inner work.

So I put more time, love, practice and feeling into my thoughts.

I began to look at IG models and send them love. I thought about Jay's ex and sent her love. I felt grateful to the universe for putting beautiful, shapely women in my view, because that meant I was closer to getting that steam turned to ice.

Next, I added meditation to it. I meditated on healing my trauma. I meditated on letting go of rules and judgment. I meditated and sent love to those who hurt me as a child. I forgave them AND myself.

And one day while doing this, I felt my heart let it go.

I didn't cry, I wasn't shocked, and like my hair, it made perfect sense to me. I knew it happened because I believed and because I practiced raising my energy.

When I changed my energy, I started to lose weight again.

Letting go of the pain, anger, and negativity let the 'water' dream turn more to 'ice'.

I want to add though that it wasn't just my jealousy and anger about women that were thin or had the body I want that caused my dream to stay water for so long. There were other negative feelings I had too.

Being angry at my ex-husband for something he said. Being annoyed with people who walked too slow. Judging people for the way they walked or dressed. All of these things added to keeping my dreams 'water'.

Why? Because you can’t have a light body, with a heavy mind, heart, or energy. Because everything is connected like a web. ANY negative feelings you feel about ANY topic in your life affect your dreams from becoming real.

As of today, my dream for my hourglass body is half-frozen ice.

You know when you put water in an ice tray and it's in the freezer for an hour? Then you take it out, and it looks frozen but it’s really not. It’s actually only the top layer or two that is frozen. So then, you lift a cube out of the tray, and you get a thin layer of ice and the rest is super cold water? Yeah, that's my dream right now.

But that's ok because I KNOW and I BELIEVE that it will be a solid piece of ice soon!

I know I practice managing my thoughts, moods, and energy on as many topics as I can. Those things are in my control, and they bring results. As I apply myself and put more positive energy into them, they help compress my ‘steam dreams’ into a solid, real experience I get to enjoy.

And they can do the same for you.

All that said, I know that the topic of energy (and changing it), and manifestation goes wayyyyy deeper than this post. So I'll be writing more and more on this topic later.

I hope you enjoyed and got value from this, I appreciate you reading. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and if you’d like to learn more about this, Jay and I are hosting a Hive Exclusive discord class which you can sign-up for and read about here.

~Love, Cyn (& Jay)

Thank You @ryzeonline for making these beautiful graphics!


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I like letting the solid ferment for about 10 days in a dark, 80 degree environment. Then cook it off around 270 degrees til that solid becomes steam. As that steam rises, run it through a chilled copper line and what pours out the other end is 200 proof.


Excellent post. I've worked on this by myself through various practices and using many teachings over the years, but in here you establish outstanding connections that I find very enriching. We've come to this physical existence with the sole purpose of creating uniqueness from the undifferentiated chaos of energy, so having this vision of manifestation is truly useful. Thank you and blessings to you!

Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked it. I appreciate your words so much. Much love ❤️❤️❤️

Awesome post! I love that you're digging into deeper, more powerful parts of life that most people ignore such as beliefs, mood, choices... and especially... energy! Great stuff! 🙏

Thank You so much for Your help! For teaching me all of this and for editing for me. I love and appreciate You 😘🙏🏽❤️

My pleasure! Woooo! #TeamRyze 🙏


Hey @cynshineonline, I'm trying to see if there is a manifesting and energy work discord group anywhere from Hive. Cuz I'd like to start one if not....Do you know of anything?

There's the Holos & Lotus Discord and the Natural Medicine one...those are the only two I know about. I don't think that the Abundance Tribe has one but it might. Jay and I will be holding private classes for LOA and manifesting on Discord so that's all I know about. Let me know if you start a Discord group for manifesting and energy work, I'd love to join.

Much love,

I would LOVE to have wonderful community leaders like yourselves on there who have experience and something to offer to noobs in the field of manifesting. We could have some really great conversations on the subject with people like you. I am showing it to community leaders at the moment. Then will probably launch it next weekend when I get a little more input from the first wave of people.

Here's the link if you'd like to come check it out. https://discord.gg/rRP88qDe

I'm still in the process of creating it. So no one really knows about it yet. And suggestions are welcome.

I love it and joined. Have you shared it with others? or posted about it here on HIve? Are you planning a weekly thing? What's the next step??? I'd love to come and participate and add value. Thank you for inviting me and I'm happy to be there. Can't wait to see it grow!


I have only done a few posts about it, and am just getting more involved back in Hive. I plan to do something weekly. I don't have a lot of activity on the server yet, but it is growing and we'll see more chats soon. I would LOVE to have you there! In general, and tomorrow morning. I'm doing a live reading in the morning and whoever shows up gets to be in the drawing for the reading (only if you want to). It's pretty fun. I can't wait! Share with friends if you want to spread the word! Info is in the latest post.

I can respond and chat in the server during evenings and weekends. I'm working full time during the day and don't have access to the server much at all. But some people will start pitching in to the chats. Especially once they hear about it. I'm wondering if we need to start a manifesting group on hive/peakd. Do you know if there is one?

Awesome. You will keep growing it. You could put a thing at the end of your posts about it so people can find it and join.
I'm in there and you've had some cool convo already. When do you have more events, I will be happy to come to check them out. Wishing you much success with it and all you do ❤️❤️❤️

I'll be sure an put a little tag at the end of my posts. That's probably a good idea. LOL. Yeah, the convos are starting up. It shouldn't be long before they get going. This morning's reading was amazing! I had so much fun, and it was dead on for everything. It always astounds me just as much as it does other people. If not more. But we got a lot out of it.

My next one will be next Saturday evening. To accommodate a few more schedules.