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RE: I Failed Science So Why Am I Writing About Energy?

I have only done a few posts about it, and am just getting more involved back in Hive. I plan to do something weekly. I don't have a lot of activity on the server yet, but it is growing and we'll see more chats soon. I would LOVE to have you there! In general, and tomorrow morning. I'm doing a live reading in the morning and whoever shows up gets to be in the drawing for the reading (only if you want to). It's pretty fun. I can't wait! Share with friends if you want to spread the word! Info is in the latest post.


I can respond and chat in the server during evenings and weekends. I'm working full time during the day and don't have access to the server much at all. But some people will start pitching in to the chats. Especially once they hear about it. I'm wondering if we need to start a manifesting group on hive/peakd. Do you know if there is one?

Awesome. You will keep growing it. You could put a thing at the end of your posts about it so people can find it and join.
I'm in there and you've had some cool convo already. When do you have more events, I will be happy to come to check them out. Wishing you much success with it and all you do ❤️❤️❤️

I'll be sure an put a little tag at the end of my posts. That's probably a good idea. LOL. Yeah, the convos are starting up. It shouldn't be long before they get going. This morning's reading was amazing! I had so much fun, and it was dead on for everything. It always astounds me just as much as it does other people. If not more. But we got a lot out of it.

My next one will be next Saturday evening. To accommodate a few more schedules.