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RE: Abundance Tribe Bi-weekly Question - There Can't Be A True Community Or There Is?

This is a very interesting topic. I almost want to say yes and no at the same time.

I think it depends on the circumstances and the purpose of such a community. There has to be a very definiteness of purpose and (almost extreme) loyalty amongst one another.

I have lived in various neighborhoods and I wouldn't even know the name of my neighbor. I have worked with people under various circumstances and they would promise you the world...yet in the end, it's every person for himself.

People will be "loyal", helpful, and "true" friends as long as they can benefit in some way...

Seen in that light, I would say no...

Yet, when there is a genuine mutual interest and bonds are formed amongst the various members of the community (like becoming a family...almost like a brotherhood), I believe it can be possible.

As an ex-cop, I believe I can speak of experience. As a young man, I served in the South African Police Force in one of their special units. The trust and the mutual respect amongst all the members of that unit were special. You would be willing to face and enter into any situation because you knew the guy next to you would have your back.

Even if I would meet up with any of my teammates in that unit today, I would still trust them with my life. That is just the bond that was formed between us all.

Would it go to that extreme here on the blockchain? I don't know...and in all honesty, I cannot see the need for it. Circumstances are different.

But I can tell you this, what I have experienced so far from community members on this blockchain is just unbelievable. How people care for one another and support one another without expecting anything in return... Let me tell you this, you'll have to go far to find it somewhere else.

That's just my opinion.

You created a well-written post on a very intriguing topic... Well done!

I got here via @dreemport


Firstly, I must admit that your comment is amazing and so full of sense.

I didn't know you were a cop! That's really cool to know, catching the bad guys huh 😂 really cool 😎

And I understand your point very well, a true community may or may not exist depending on the goal of that community and its individuals.

Hive communities are awesome, no doubt about that 😊

Thanks for leaving opinion behind, I really appreciate

Only a pleasure! I enjoyed reading your article!