Abundance Tribe Bi-weekly Question - There Can't Be A True Community Or There Is?

There can't be a true community if the people who make up that community are self centered, unconnected and wicked. And there can't be a true community of the leader of any community is a dictator, bad and partial. A community having such individuals with such leaders can be called a false community if I may use that to describe them.

What makes a community true then?


We may know a community to be a group of individuals having common understanding, speak same language, follow same laws and tradition with same manners but there's more to what a community really is and that brings about what we would call A True Community.

Allow me to give my own definition of what True Community...

It is a home of mutual connected feelings of individuals of different races under a fair law with humanity at heart.

One might say a true community doesn't exist, I may want to agree with you because I also thought of it that way after I came up with this definition. Another reason is the ways of this world, things are changing for the worse to mankind. We hear and see people kill people, brothers fight brothers and government oppress citizens. All these make us doubt that there could be an existence of a true community still.

But I hope you'd agree with me that we are our own cause of not having a true community to belong to. The truth is, we all have a role to play in building a true community but people are so blinded to care for others and just focus on themselves... That is what individuals belonging to a false community does.

A True Community Is One

No divisions, no racism, no quarrels, no fights and no wars... A true community gives peace of mind to it's individuals. Being one in everything, they make sound decisions together to build the community stronger and they settle any dispute or disagreement as soon as possible to bring back peace if there was ever any that comes up. Individuals in this community don't back bite or back stab each other, they make amends whenever they feel wronged and go back to being the happy true community they were.

A True Community Is Not Just A Geographical Thing


Yeah, people who make up a true community live in one area or the other in the global world but they don't leave it at that. They connect their feelings mutually no matter the distance. We see people not having good relationships with their neighbors even though they live very close to each other but a true community is never like that. They share their mutual feelings with each other and grant help to whoever needs it. In a true community, the rich and the poor are equal and live without jealousy and pride or oppression.

A True Community Have A Good Leader

Of course, no community can stand without a good leader and such leader is not a dictator who controls the people but allows them to air their view on decisions making. The leader of a true community takes bold and risky steps to put his followers first before him, the leader is hardly known in a true community as he is always equal with them and the leader of a true community ensures every individual is being fairly treated.

A True Community Lasts Longer

Having one mindset, individuals who connect very well and a leader who ensures all these to stay in place, a true community is bound to last longer while growing stronger. No community can stand for long having bad leadership or disobedient people and so a true community have all it takes to grow even into a whole new world.

All that said, does a true community exist? I'll leave that for you to answer in the comments section.

Thanks for reading!!!


True community does exist if the people within the community are united with a single uniting factor. I've read about states and western political thought about states and groups and communities. Your blog is perfectly written and informative 😁💕 keep writing ❤️

Hey @abrarhussain its been long I've seen around or was I the one not looking? 😬 But it's good to see you here and you're right... A true community does exist, we just have to work together to see it.

Thanks for stopping by 😊

Yup I got busy with some chores and schedules but here again 😁

That's good to know, you're welcome back 😊

thanks 😁

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Thank you for taking the time to answer the biweekly question and share your thoughts on what true community means to you xxxx

Yay! 🤗
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In reality, no true community ever existed. None that I have heard of. At inception, community may tend towards peaceful co-existence but drift away from the true vision of the founders. There can't be equality, equity, fairness and equal distribution of wealth, hence there can't be a true community.
That's my perspective though.
@dreemport led me here.

Your definition of community guarantees there will be no true community.

Communities are like families in that they are a group of people who come together and work together for the common good. Will it be fairness and equality for all? No.

The reality is that not everyone will put equal effort in and not all will want to take more out. There is a diversity of people and a diversity of how they live in community.

Will there be no conflict? Of course not. There will always be conflict. Community is not as much about the absence of conflict as it is about how conflict is dealt with while being stronger for it.

Community is what you make it. If you want to make it an unattainable ideal, then there will be no community. Or, you can have the ideal, strive for it while accepting the diversity of people for good and bad as well as accepting there will be ups and downs. It's the nature of people.

I understand your perspective and I may want to agree with you but don't you think we're our own problem for not having a true community?

Yes we are. Humans have not been fair in the operations of the community rules and the communities we find ourselves have been torn apart by our disagreements and corrupt practices like selfishness.

Exactly, thanks for stopping by

I don't think in this day and age, a true community exists because there is a lot of disagreements going on in the society and I doubt there is anywhere where everyone truly agrees and has the same mindset but I guess I could be wrong.

@dreemport brought me here

You're not wrong, you are giving your thoughts after looking through how our world has become... It's very rare to have a true community at this time but I would like to say nothing is impossible

I think a true community would be that thing that might be impossible

This is a very interesting topic. I almost want to say yes and no at the same time.

I think it depends on the circumstances and the purpose of such a community. There has to be a very definiteness of purpose and (almost extreme) loyalty amongst one another.

I have lived in various neighborhoods and I wouldn't even know the name of my neighbor. I have worked with people under various circumstances and they would promise you the world...yet in the end, it's every person for himself.

People will be "loyal", helpful, and "true" friends as long as they can benefit in some way...

Seen in that light, I would say no...

Yet, when there is a genuine mutual interest and bonds are formed amongst the various members of the community (like becoming a family...almost like a brotherhood), I believe it can be possible.

As an ex-cop, I believe I can speak of experience. As a young man, I served in the South African Police Force in one of their special units. The trust and the mutual respect amongst all the members of that unit were special. You would be willing to face and enter into any situation because you knew the guy next to you would have your back.

Even if I would meet up with any of my teammates in that unit today, I would still trust them with my life. That is just the bond that was formed between us all.

Would it go to that extreme here on the blockchain? I don't know...and in all honesty, I cannot see the need for it. Circumstances are different.

But I can tell you this, what I have experienced so far from community members on this blockchain is just unbelievable. How people care for one another and support one another without expecting anything in return... Let me tell you this, you'll have to go far to find it somewhere else.

That's just my opinion.

You created a well-written post on a very intriguing topic... Well done!

I got here via @dreemport

Firstly, I must admit that your comment is amazing and so full of sense.

I didn't know you were a cop! That's really cool to know, catching the bad guys huh 😂 really cool 😎

And I understand your point very well, a true community may or may not exist depending on the goal of that community and its individuals.

Hive communities are awesome, no doubt about that 😊

Thanks for leaving opinion behind, I really appreciate

Only a pleasure! I enjoyed reading your article!