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RE: Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What story Do I need to stop telling myself, and what new do I wish to begin? So that I can create the Life I wish!

Curated for #naturalmedicine by @drrune.

Studying our patterns is both hard and rewarding. It requires a lot of attention to detail, but once they're revealed to us, they spring up everywhere, and then we can start breaking away from them. Merely shifting a word we say often can bring about huge change. Really nice contribution as always! Blessings to you!

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Thank you @drrune, truly our thoughts and words have tremendous power, I have witnessed it for self in many ways. I have changed my life drastically and for good with the power of my thoughts and made things happen which everyone would laugh at when I would tell them that I want these particular things to happen in my life.
I strongly believe that we are the controllers of our own life and no one can change it unless we give away our power.

Yes, I can fully understand you. Most people I know, even old and close friends, think I'm crazy, with all the stuff I've been able to implement in my life thanks to this knowledge, hahaha. Of course, that's precisely why they can't take active advantage of it.

The issue, I think, lies in personal responsibility. Once we take this knowledge seriously, we have no choice but to accept that nobody else is accountable for the way we live our lives. Scapegoats are convenient.