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RE: Thank God It's Fruitday! πŸ‘πŸ’πŸ“πŸŒπŸŽπŸ‡πŸ₯‘πŸ₯πŸ₯­

in Abundance Tribe β€’ last year

Always a good idea to drink water....!! Obviously if I am "eating" watermelon and grapes I am likely to drink less water, coz of the high-water-content fruits. To NOT-drink water would be a bad idea for health and teeth.

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Well Ive read in old german books (from before the world wars) that humans back then in paradise were all frugivores

And didnt need to Drink, cuz in eating only fruits is already enough water

But yes, people still do something wrong
Teeth can rebuild themselves, especially with Cocos

Greets :)

I am working on REMINERALIZATION of teeth with @samstonehill :) I am familiar with the no-water concept, but in practice I don't think we eat ENOUGHHHH highwater-content-fruitz like watermelon and papaya. I find myself relying on banana and now and then, rice.... dehydration is easily avoided by drinking water. ;)

Β last yearΒ (edited)Β 

thank you very much for the feedback about your real-life practice experiences :) !

so you eat no meat? or just very rarely?
what do you think about raw meat? (ofc of good quality)

I haven't eaten any dead bodies, not even a mouthful of "good quality" dead bodies since 2007. Also -- No milk, cheese, caffeine, oil, or salt.... no Facebook, TV or "News". Less is More.

Make space for MORE SUGAR....