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RE: Abundance Tribe Bi-weekly Question - There Can't Be A True Community Or There Is?

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

Your definition of community guarantees there will be no true community.

Communities are like families in that they are a group of people who come together and work together for the common good. Will it be fairness and equality for all? No.

The reality is that not everyone will put equal effort in and not all will want to take more out. There is a diversity of people and a diversity of how they live in community.

Will there be no conflict? Of course not. There will always be conflict. Community is not as much about the absence of conflict as it is about how conflict is dealt with while being stronger for it.

Community is what you make it. If you want to make it an unattainable ideal, then there will be no community. Or, you can have the ideal, strive for it while accepting the diversity of people for good and bad as well as accepting there will be ups and downs. It's the nature of people.