My Message - CREATE - Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question!

There are so many messages, that I would like to promote. Living during these times, where so many people are reacting out of fear and not taking the time to actually think about the effect that those reactions will have. Watching people become so dismissive and even defensive about the many restrictions that are being rolled out. Our lives are changing forever and we really do have to decide which way we want to go!


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We have to decide where our future lies and the future of our children. This is such a pivotal time in our her/history. How we respond now, will determine the type of world, that we leave for our children and our children's, children. We really need to pay attention, to do our research and stay informed, so that we make the best decisions for ourselves, our families and our communities.

We need to be proactive!

So my message is Now is the time to create a better world, to step into our power and take control of our lives!

I am aware that this message would be ignored by many, because we have been programmed to hand over our power from a young age. Mostly without even realizing it and secondly because we have been told, that we are being taken care of. That we have systems in place that look after our health and education, so why would we wish to break away from them? When our lives are so much easier, when we comply!

But as I look at the world around me, at the beauty that surrounds. A world that provides us with all that we need, all that we desire in order to thrive. I can see the many benefits of living in harmony with the natural world. I can see, that my only allegiance, lies with nature and not with any human made organization. I can honestly say, that this is what makes me whole! This is what empowers me and drives me to create and to do better.

And yet many do not see this, they are so enmeshed in the industrial world, that they have no desire even to step out of it, seeking comfort over empowerment. I can see how disconnected, so many have become and that this disconnect, has left so many feeling incomplete. They then begin to look for something, anything to fill that void. Taking them further away from themselves and their connection to the natural world.


We are powerful and our power, lies in our ability to create! So lets create a better world, lets create a world, where we have our freedom's intact and where we live in harmony with the natural world. Take back control of your lives, of your health. No one knows what you need, more than you. We have been told otherwise, we have been told that we are not educated enough. That we need to go to professionals in order to decipher what is wrong. In some cases, yes for sure.

But if we all decided to eat healthy, to grow our own food, to exercise more, to express ourselves, to care for one another, we would experience a lot less illness or dis ease. If we educated ourselves, about the many plants that we can use to help heal our bodies, then we would no longer be so dependant on the health system.

If we came together with others who share our vision, then we can create our own holistic centres, because medicine today, is more about treating symptoms.

Now is the time, to find our community, to connect with those, who recognize how these turbulent times, are actually an opportunity to create change!

We can choose to sit back and do nothing, to just let the world happen around us and adjust to whatever is in the pipelines. But those in power, have never had our best interests at heart. This has been evident, for so long. History just continues to repeat itself, with those in power, gaining more power. Unless we step up!


We hold the power to create change, the power to transform. We can choose what we put our energy into to, we can choose what we put out into the world and we can choose how we react. We all have choices and those choices dictate what direction we go in. What we project out into the world, that is what we receive. We need to be proactive, we need to connect with our creative power, so that we can begin to transform, first ourselves and then the world around us.

Our Power Lies In Our Ability To Create! Living in a world, where so much is already mapped out for us, destroys our creativity, destroys our ability to transform. Living in a comfortable world, prevents us from taking risks, from making mistakes, from learning and evolving. Life is not meant to be a straight line. We are meant to embrace the chaos, the chaos that is within us and that surrounds us, we are meant to embrace it and to learn from it.

To question everything, to question ourselves, by doing so, we are propelling ourselves forward! We are connecting with who we really are. Who am I? A very powerful question. What is this world that we live in? What is the world, you wish to create? Manifest, that which you desire. Take back your power and Create! Let go of your fears, embrace the person that you are and connect with what you need.

Step into your power and you will attract others that have done the same and when you come together, that is when you all will create change, a change that will ripple out into the world!






Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see in the world." For me, it starts and ends there.

The outer world is merely a reflection of the inner world. To change myself is to change the world.

I don't think there is a need to act on the outer world. The need, and our power, is to transform ourselves.

Acting on the world can be a deflection from our power, another way to remain disconnected from ourselves.

We are the source, the origin. When we choose to be well, to be love and peace, to be allowing, the world will become that, it will reflect that back to us. When we attempt to manipulate, ie change, the world, manipulation and control will be reflected back to us.

In the Bible it says God is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. That's us. We are the creators of whatever we see in the world; and we are the creators of what we see next.

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very nicely said, yes all change comes from us, Thank you for your wonderful comment xxxx

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Yesterday I thought: just focus on what you want to see happen, it's being created right now so keep thinking about it without shame or restrictions, go for it!!

Yes we really have to just go for it, to let go and allow ourselves to create xxxx

Thank you! I needed to see this today, as I sit here wrestling with the frustrations of feeling DISconnected because our Internet keeps flaking out, and with all the lockdowns and restrictions, it sometimes feel like our only viable window to the world.

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These days are challenging for sure. I have been watching the greater reset, which has been really inspiring. We need to remember how powerful we are xxxx

After " Stop dreaming , wake up ! " there is some room for " Start create a better world . "
I am doing my best but this world narrative drained me dry .
Loosing friends and family , stuck in this realm all alone .
I lost my reasons to create ... Blind melon , no rain :-(
This bee is ready to sting .

I hear you, these are dark times, but also there is a lot of light too, we just need to focus on that, instead of what the msm is shoving in our faces. I hope you get your fire back and know that you are not alone xxx

I ignore MSM , i see light , used to expose it with humor .
Seeing close friends , even in relation , get divided and struggle while there children become a lost generation .
It dos not humor me .
The fact that a daydreamer like me felt like writing the lines in that pic .
It bothers me ,.. it just doesn't feel right .
Anyway's thanks for caring .

Beautifully written

Very true words, we do need to make some serious changes in this world. I definitely encourage all people to disrespect manmade imaginary lines that we call nation-states. We definitely aren't born equal when we our nationality of lack thereof from birth can prevent us from traveling to greener pastures. !wine

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