Garbage problem in Pusong Reservoir, Lhoksemawe City


Day after day passed, weeks passed, months passed, and years changed, ugly homeless like this we still meet in Pusong Reservoir, Lhokseumawe. You can see it from close range of sight, and the view of this trash is disgusting. The City Government does not seem to care about the garbage littering the reservoir. The garbage business should have been handled by the City Sanitation Department, but they did nothing.

Even though this reservoir is always crowded with people every day. Some jog around the reservoir, some just take a selfie, or enjoy the beautiful view of the Cunda river next to the reservoir, while eating roasted corn. But it looks like they don't even care about the garbage littering the reservoir.

Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. (Animal farm, George Orwell)

So, I think there is nothing wrong with what Orwell said in his book. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing, except garbage.









Sangat disayangkan.... seharusnya waduk Pusong ini menjadi tempat favorit untuk wisata atau untuk sekedar jalan-jalan sore😥

Benar. Saya tidak tahu harus bilang apa, bertahun-tahun sampah dalam waduk tidak diurus Pemkot Lhoksemawe. Mungkin truk Dinas Kebersihan Kota tiap hari ada masuk ke jalan areal waduk untuk mengambil sampah, tapi yang di dalam waduk sepertinya luput atau sengaja dibiarkan.

We have to take care of nature, we can't buy a second planet Earth.

He said, 'Stop doing wrong things and turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven is almost here.'(Matthew 3:2)

Question from the Bible, How do we forgive someone who has done us wrong in the past? [Part 1 of 2]

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