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RE: Street Art


Good to see you are still taking those awesome photos brother!

personally thing tasteful Art can add flavor to an area and like when communities or businesses welcome it where with a rotating canvas wall as per this sign or working with an artist to have a mural created.

I couldn't agree more! Whether for repurposing older buildings, or as you said; helping to elevate the awesome of Community. This is akin to the same vibe I received from #teamusa, when I first joined the Blockchain, and we need more positive energy!

I find this quite interesting, to be honest. Because a member from @theterminal @trippymane just created a contest in the Street Art Community in regards to Graffiti Art! You know me, and my Building Positive Bridges... mentality, so figured I'd share this energy as I thought you'd like to know.

Hope you are still treading water, my friend. Thanks for sharing your awesome photos, and energy with us!

!LUV @tipu curate !WINE !giphy Graffiti


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@tattoodjay, you've been given LUV from @wesphilbin.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/10)

Thanks so much fir the info I must remember that

Hope all is well with you

Thank you for spreading the love @wesphilbin

I followed you @tattoodjay it's always a pleasure to see new graffiti and art on any street of any contry in this world! 😎